Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Solstice Portals: Getting Ready for the Big Blast

It's Summer Solstice today, one of the two most powerful days of the year, and exactly a year and 1/2 from the highly prophesized Winter Solstice of 2012.  I've been thinking a lot about what I believe will happen on that day in 2012, and what we need to be doing to get ready.  

Much of what I've learned and have been teaching about for decades, is that humanity is in the process of taking an evolutionary leap.  This evolutionary process has been accelerating on the planet since the harmonic Convergence of 1987 and is due to culminate next year on December 21st.  It is a leap of consciousness, giving  humanity the opportunity to create a New Earth based on love, peace, spiritual maturity and harmony.  It is no accident that Eckhart Tolle's book by that name became a best seller a few years ago, and the internet series that he and Oprah Winfrey offered was watched by millions!  We can all feel this happening.  Both humans and the planet itself keep vibrating more quickly, at a higher and higher frequency.  On a cellular level, this means that we have become more like light: we are literally becoming en-lightened. 

From a multidimensional perspective, this vibratory shift means we are learning to hold the frequency of 5D.  On our 9 dimensional vertical axis, the vibration of 5D is the only higher dimension that is compatible with our 3D biology.  Remember 5D holds the frequency of love and creativity.  It also holds Unity Consciousness.  Somewhere in the early 90's, spiritual teachers everywhere spontaneously began to help people open their hearts.  While the 60's mantra of "peace and love" was of course, an important predecessor, what has been happening for the last 20 or so years has taken this further.  People have been healing their heart wounds  which has allowed them to open their heart chakras more and more.  It now is common language to hear phrases like "speaking from one's heart" or "coming from one's heart."  It's also important to realize that healing those emotional wounds helped us get free from the duality of the 4D canopy and allowed it to become more permeable, thus opening us to the frequencies of the higher dimensions. 

Some people, of course, get stuck in fear as the ground beneath us shakes us loose of the old ways.  They hold tighter to old thought and behavior patterns.  The special interest groups behind our institutions are equally afraid and are vehemently and passionately attempting to stop and reverse this planetary process.  While that will make it harder for some, I have no doubt that we have hit the point of no return.  This is happening, and the more of us that get on board, the more gentle this shift will be.  I believe we are being asked to send love to those who are afraid, including to the institutions and people who run them.  The irony is we will truly all benefit from this change and be able to live richer, more fulfilling lives even if we sacrifice wealth and power.

We know the old must die to the new, and so while I hold the vision of us ushering in the Golden age that has been predicted from numerous sources throughout the ages, I also know that the death throes of our old world can be very painful.  The weather alone caused from the Earth changes are daunting.  I don't remember losing electricity as a child or for that matter for most of my adult life.  Now to get through the year without losing electric power is something to be grateful for as the frequency and intensity of storms, tornadoes, blizzards and hurricane continues to grow.  We are also re-learning a lesson that many of us began to glean in the late 60's and early 70's:  we need to become more and more self-sufficient and sustainable.  I remember the old bumper sticker that many of my friends had: "Think Globally, Act Locally."  While that was good advice back then, it is essential information for our current and coming times.  Figure out how to create your own electricity or to live well without it.  Make sure you have a good supply of food and water on hand.  But most importantly clear out any blocks to your being resourceful, creative, cooperative and kind should you be thrown into a crisis situation.

This year's Solstice is wedged between 3 eclipses in 4 weeks. gives a lovely summary of what these eclipses mean for us.   Peggy Black, one of the site's channels, speaks of eclipses as portals to "Bathe Our Consciousness in New Energy."  She goes on to explain that this is a time where we can activate amazing shifts in both our individual lives and the collective... AND, (this is key for what I'm really wanting to write about today) "It is so important to remember that we are the anchors - the chalices - for this DIVINE EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT"  ( entry 6/15/11)

This is exactly what I'm getting intuitively.  The night before I read this, I was talking with my husband and pondering what is really being asked of us as preparation for 2012.   I got so clearly that on 12/21/12 the biggest portal of all would open, and that we need to keep expanding our abilities as receptors for this new frequency.  The chalice image is perfect.  As each new portal opens,  and Solstices, just like eclipses are a time when amazingly powerful portals open, we are being bombarded with ever-higher frequency light.  This light is holding transformative intelligence that will allow us to activate and hold this planetary shift.  When I hear talk about us being in an ascension process, this is what it means to me: we will ascend to (in other words be vibrating at or close to the same speed as) 5D frequency, yet still be walking in our 3D bodies on what we will still feel, look and sound like a 3D planet.

Hand Clow explains the change in frequency is coming from the gamma rays which have been hitting the Earth since 1998, as the Earth moves into what she calls the Photon band.  She gives a lovely scientific explanation about how these gamma rays carry consciousness to us.  What I saw and heard loud and clear as the receptor image came to me,  is that we are the Holy Grail.  On Winter Solstice 2012, we are quite literally going to be blasted with this energy.  Remember Galactic Center is 9D and it has been moving into conjunction with our Winter Solstice Sun which is at 29% Sagitarrius, since the late 90's.  The winter solstice of 2010 also coincided with a very powerful eclipse. The energies keep increasing, and the energy from the portal of 12/21/12 may exceed our wildest imagination.  In order to utilize it at its best, we need to keep readying ourselves to receive this powerful and beautiful energy.   We are developing rapidly and being asked to get those chalices ready for the BIG BLAST of light.

I presented yet another workshop on multidimensionality this weekend.  This workshop was a 2-day event taught with my dear friend and colleague, Anyaa McAndrew.  We had a circle of 12 of her students.  Once again I was awed to see how this multidimensional model informed people to tune in and refine what they already knew.  And as always, it inspires me when I see the number of people who are conscious and stepping into their higher dimensional frequency.

I believe in my heart there will be enough of us being chalices, receptors... for the big frequency blast.  And I hope it will be a great celebratory event, and we'll be having a blast as we used to say in the early 60's.  I hope too that we will tell the story to our future generations, that this was a magical and transformative time and nothing has ever been quite the same since.

So get ready for the party, my fellow-Earthlings.  Keep doing your inner work.  Keep opening your hearts and shining out love.  Keep putting your roots in the core of Gaia.  .... "For the times they are a-changin...."

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