Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Charlotte's Web of Light and Dark

I just returned from presenting a workshop on multidimensionality in Charlotte, NC.  One of the assistant ministers at this small Unity Church in Charlotte found me on Facebook, and even though he knew nothing about me or multidimensionality, there was something that called him to invite me to his church to offer this afternoon event.  There were only 3 people signed up when I left home the day before, but Spirit kept telling me to go, so off I went.

10 people actually came to the workshop, which proved to be a perfect size:  intimate so that everyone could make deep connections, and dynamic as everyone shared their input and experiences.   It was a fabulous group.  Very diverse and very developed. The oldest participant was 91.  The youngest folks were in their 30's.  There were 2 African Americans, a Latino, and both men and women.  There seemed large variations in socioeconomic and educational backgrounds as well.  But what we all shared were loving hearts, a commitment to spiritual growth and consciousness, and a passion to not just heal ourselves, but to heal the planet. 

While most of the group had not been exposed to the idea that we had the ability to hold the frequency and intelligence of all 9-dimensions on the vertical access,  most everyone was able to connect deeply with their  multidimensional potential through the meditations.  Many began to realize they were already intuitively connected with these dimensions prior to attending the workshop.     

I ended by talking about British physicist, Joseph Barbour and his explanation of the mists in 6D.  For those of you following this blog and/or who have read Barbara Hand Clow's Alchemy of 9 Dimensions or know of Barbour through his work, you might remember that he wrote of a "hypothetical" place he called Platonia.  Platonia has all the characteristics of the 6th dimension, and of course, as its name suggests, corresponds to Plato's world of forms.  Barbour not only used his scientific prowess to hypothesize the existence of Platonia, but to prove it exists mathematically.   He explains that there are mists in this 6th dimensional place, which are formed by the thoughts humans hold in their "now." Those mists then replicate in 3D.  So, as I pointed out to my group, we can see how collective belief systems not only have been created, but also how we can shift them to change our world.  

In 1960, probably 95% of people on the planet believed that "war was inevitable."  That created a hugely thick mist in 6D which kept replicating as war on the Earth.  The protests over the Vietnam war began to shift that belief system so now there are a substantial number of people who believe "peace is possible."  This is beginning to thin the War mist, and thicken the Peace mist.  When we have enough people putting the "peace is possible" thought form into that 6D mist, it will become thicker than the war mist.  At that point, peace will replicate on the planet, and voila, no more war.  The same goes for gender and racial equality, and pretty much any social issue you can think of.

This is vital information to us because it provides a powerful tool we can use to continue collapsing the negative pyramidal structures that I spoke of in my last blog entry.  Our ability to collapse these structures, which are all over our globe and which hold the energies of suffering and oppression in place on the planet, continues to expand.  I am seeing these structures crumbling everywhere, as more of us who have unwittingly held their foundation in place shift out of the belief systems that have fed those particular 6D mists.  As we refuse to buy into the reality that allows greed, domination and violence to rule the planet, those constructs, which have controlled us for millenniums, must ultimately fall.  We each can play an active part in this process in several ways:  first, we need to keep clearing the shadows of greed, domination and violence within ourselves by integrating those polarities so that the 4D canopy stays permeable, we need to keep expanding the 5D love energy in our hearts, and we need to send ongoing thought forms of generosity, justice, equality and peace into 6D. 

Back to this special group of attendees.  One of the participants spoke of her resentment about the negative forces that had taken hold of Charlotte.  In response, several people let her know they were all working to counteract this energetically.  Charlotte is a banking capital.  The energy of greed has oppressed this potentially lovely city.  More and more light-workers are drawn there now to do this work to collapse that energetic pyramid which has harmed the masses who have unconsciously held this structure in place in order that those at the top may remain and obtain positions of wealth, power and control. This is what is happening to the web in Charlotte which is just one city in just one state in just one country.  The process of collapsing these pyramids is happening everywhere!

The accelerated energy on the planet is more potent than ever.  There are 3 powerful eclipses occurring between June 1st and July 1st, and this is intensifying the collective transformation inside us as well as outside of us.  It is truly shaking all of our foundations and asking that we release our attachment to the old that it may die a more gentle death.  As the old passes, we are gestating the new structures based on 8th dimensional Guidance which will usher in the Golden Age.  Birthing is the most powerful experience I have ever had, and this coming birth is one that my soul and perhaps yours, has been yearning for, for a very long time.  

So practice your breathing techniques, folks. Our society may be rampantly passing out drugs to dull the experience, but there's nothing like natural childbirth to know one is truly embodied and alive.  Our new creation has the potential to fulfill our deepest longing and outdo our wildest dreams.


  1. Glad to hear you had a great turnout in Charlotte!

    I've heard similar things said about Charlotte, NC. The few times that I've been there, I remember that I couldn't wait to leave due to the challenging energy of the place.

    I think the best way for the people of Charlotte to "collapse (the) energetic pyramid," of greed is to work on their own greed issues. Carolyn Myss talks about this extensively in her book, "Defying Gravity." She relates greed as the shadow side of the 2nd or 3rd chakra (not sure which one).

    I saw that one of your participants expressed resentment around what was happening in Charlotte. I was taught a long time ago that when one feels resentful that one also feels guilty. You see guilt and resentment are like two rails of the same train track. Where one rail goes, the other is always right beside it. So most often when I am feeling resentful, but can't get in touch with what's underlying it or around it, I ask myself what am I feeling guilty about? I always get a much deeper understanding of what the resentment is about. The same holds true for the reverse. If I am feeling guilty, I ask myself, what am I feeling resentful about? I always arrive at a deeper, more humbling level of my issue when I use this exercise with those two emotions.

  2. I think this is a "both and." I did point out in the blog that the way to really collapse the pyramid is to do it within. I'm definitely on that page with you. I also have come to
    think lately though, that for a group of people to work on the outer energetic grid is an additional and important way as well. (Have you read Unplugging the Patriarchy yet?)

    Thanks for keeping those comments coming.
