Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Collapsing the Patriarchy on Planet Earth: An 8D/4D Adventure

We are in a portal of time when we can use 8th dimensional consciousness to collapse the dysfunctional power structures that have held us hostage for millenniums.  The largest and loudest of these power structures is the Patriarchy.  The Divine Order of 8D,  provides Wisdom and Guidance rather than dogma and authoritarian structure, but as it moves downward through the dimensions and becomes polarized in 4D, humans become vulnerable to getting caught in the dualized version of that energy.  This is what gives rise to these negative structures. 

For those of you reading this blog regularly and/or coming to my workshops, you already know that when higher dimensional light reaches the 4D canopy, it splits into positive and negative poles.  This creates a negative potential for the energy to get stuck in one pole or the other, distorting its original intent.  (Hand Clow explains this phenomenon in her Alchemy of 9 Dimensions and shows us how we get stuck in that duality.)  So, as Divine Guidance comes from 8D and travels down through the dimensions, two different options become available:  If we are able to stay in the archetypal stream of 4D, we will find love, consciousness and inspiration, but if instead the energy moves into 4D duality, we'll find dogma and dominance.  It is this dogma and dominance that has fueled the Patriarchy on this planet, oppressing the spirit of both men and women, and creating harm to all sentient beings including the planet herself.  This is often acted out in 3D through religious structures that say one can only be a good person if one follows that religion's particular set of rules and buys into its belief system.  (We all know how many wars have been started on the planet under the umbrella of one religion or the other.)

The 8D/4D relationship is similar to the distinction of power vs force that David Hawkins makes in his book of the same name.  Hawkins defines power as being connected to Divine presence or Consciousness, which allows us access to our full potential vs. force, which keeps us disconnected and vulnerable to being controlled.  This results in our being dominated by or dominating others.  Clearly power, in Hawkins definition, has a very high vibrational frequency, and force has a much lower one. (4D muck if you will.)

I've been reading Sue Monk Kidd's "Dance of the Dissident Daughter," a book about her personal awakening that allowed her to break free of patriarchal consciousness.  This was written over 15 years ago, but while I had heard the title and I love Monk Kidd's novels, I was never called to read this. As I'm reading the book, I'm realizing why I hadn't been called to read it before.  The journey she writes about is a journey I had been privileged to take many years before that book was written.  I had broken out of patriarchal consciousness in my 20's and had instinctively embraced the Divine Feminine.   My adult life flowed well from there and so I was not compelled to read about her particular awakening, which has inspired many other women to get free and connect with that beautiful, wise powerful Feminine within.

Unlike Monk Kidd, I had thankfully not been raised in a faith tradition that had any hold on me.  I broke away from standard religious thought in my teen years and had a natural aversion to all organized male-dominated religions.  Despite my childhood awareness that orthodox Jewish men gathered each morning and in their prayer thanked "God" they were not born a woman, that just seemed so absurd to me, I never gave it any credence.  My ongoing joke when I think my husband  speaks or behaves in a way that has vestiges of unevolved male energy is for me to say (with all sincerity I might add)  "Thank Goddess I wasn't born a man."  Which typically gets us both laughing.

BUT now, this is a perfect book for me.  As I'm studying and teaching about becoming a multidimensional human, and understanding more about how patriarchal religions conspire with 4th dimensional forces to keep humankind disempowered and disconnected, this book is a reminder of how important it is that we navigate 4D in such a way that we have access to 8D consciousness. It is this access that gives us the power to shift 
the very structures that hold these negative thought forms together.

The patriarchy is lodged in 4D archetypes such as God, Yahweh, and Zeus. Jesus and Buddha are also represented in 4D in their lower vibrational forms as are other enlightened masters of all traditions;  they've all had their teachings distorted in 4D.   These are not archetypes that hold the energy of Divine Mind or 8D consciousness.  Rather they are symbols that have lodged in our psyches to create a grave imbalance on Planet Earth.  This imbalance has disconnected all women and men from wholeness, and has therefore promoted untold harm.  Perhaps it was developmentally necessary to get us to this point, (this I'm not sure of) but without question, it is time to fully disengage these patriarchal forces and give rise to the collective sacred union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine which will restore peace and balance and consciousness on our planet.   This happens through directly accessing 8D.

To live on that 9D vertical access that Hand Clow speaks of, we need to live with authenticity.  This is impossible unless we are free from numerous belief systems that have kept us in a collective trance.  This collective trance is directly linked with distortions in 4D consciousness.  When we break through this, we have automatic access to 8D.  In her writing on the 8th dimension, Hand Clow uses a pyramid model to show how we are held "prisoners" to jobs, relationships or other lifestyle choices that don't affirm or empower us.  Essentially the power elite operate the pyramid and keep themselves at the top.  But they can only maintain this if everyone underneath plays the game.  A pyramid is only as strong as its foundation.  If those masses of us on the lower tiers of the pyramid refuse to play, the disempowering, dysfunctional structure will topple, or as she says "the pyramid will collapse." 

We have to wake up in order to realize that we have the power to "refuse to play."  We have to look within our own psyches, find those dysfunctional beliefs and transform them.  We each have to be willing to risk breaking free from conventional wisdom and living life from our inner awareness, not from cultural norms or rules.  While I know from experience, this is hugely satisfying, I also understand that it is very scary to walk away from 5000 plus years of so-called "tradition."

But just think of what a great party it will be to stand back and watch that old pyramid just collapse before our eyes, knowing that we can hold loving, positive 8D visions of what will replace it.  So "gather 'round people", it's time!  I can hear those stones beginning to rumble...


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