As you can imagine, there are many scientists who are pretty upset. The sacred cow that their beliefs about reality have been based on has just been roasted and feasted upon. Most are quite sure this experiment will be refuted. I, on the other hand, am not. This is the beginning of moving mainstream science into the multidimensional realm. Einstein was brilliant in explaining and "proving" the deeper laws of 3D. He helped us make an evolutionary leap out of Newtonian physics into quantum physics... but this was in 1905. To believe in the limits of his theory, will someday appear as silly as believing that the Earth is flat. (Okay there still are some folks believing the Earth is flat, which teaches us a profound truth about "belief.")
Barbara Hand Clow gives a compelling argument in Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, for the existence of at least 3 speeds that light can travel; these speeds being dependent on which dimension the light is travelling in. She suggests that light travels at one speed in 1D - 3D (186,282 miles per second), at a faster speed in the 4th through the 6th dimension and at an even faster speed in 7D through 9D.
How can it not? This is all about vibrational frequency. It makes no sense to me that there should be a limit on how fast energy can vibrate. And light is simply a physical manifestation of energy. If cells vibrate faster than 186,282 miles a second, they become invisible in 3D. But just because we can't see them doesn't mean they no longer exist, and apparently now it doesn't mean that we can no longer measure how fast they are travelling.
The particular multidimensional messenger in this most recent experiment is a sub-atomic particle called a neutrino. According to the internet article, neutrinos are odd slivers of an atom that have puzzled physicists for decades because they won't conform to the rules. These rebel particles like to do things their own way despite the often rigid behavioral expectations of the scientists who have studied them. (Now there's a sub-atomic particle I want to make friends with.)
There was an earlier experiment in 2007 that came up with the same results, but it turned out their methods were open to question and therefore their findings were not taken seriously. This latest experiment was conducted in one of the world's foremost laboratories and they have been very careful. Of course, until this type of experiment has been replicated several times, it will still remain controversial. I love the quote of one of the skeptical scientists who said these findings were like saying flying carpets existed!! Ah ye of limited imagination.
So what does this really mean for us Earthlings? For me there are two important points here. One is that science is catching up to metaphysical truth and showing us once again that faith and scientific method can reveal the same thing. It's the left brain finally understanding what our right brain knows intuitively. (Perfect for the last equinox in the last year of the 16.5 billion years of the Mayan calendar.) And two, it opens the possibility that the idea that our planet ascending into the fifth dimension, which I plan to write more about in forthcoming blogs, will ultimately be shown scientifically, and I'm betting, in my lifetime.
Whenever we have been challenged to put aside our cherished collective beliefs, great change has occurred. Typically those who have challenged those beliefs have been imprisoned, beheaded, burned at the stake, sold into slavery, run out of town -- but I don't think that's going to happen this time, (and in all fairness, it didn't happen to Einstein). Still, no matter how poorly we might have treated the messengers in the past, the paradigm shifted due to their contribution.
It is no longer possible for those of us on planet Earth to stay within the old limited beliefs about the nature of reality. Our encoded DNA is bursting forth. We know at some deep level that we are vaster than our 3-dimensional models have allowed... way vaster... at least 9 dimensions vaster. Our consciousness knows no bounds. What we are now beginning to realize little by little, is that our cellular structure also is not limited to physical laws of 3D. A neutrino can travel faster than the speed of light. They are part of cells just like electrons are. Why wouldn't we have neutrinos as part of our cells just like we have electrons and neutrons. Obviously I'm no physicist, but it makes sense to me that if a part of our cellular structure can travel outside the bounds of 3-dimensional laws, we are going to be finding out some pretty amazing things about our own DNA and what this means.
The rebel part of me that won't conform to expected behavior wants to say "duh! This is
like running experiments to find out what the best way was to catch mice, which they did some years back, and discovering it was to have a cat." But while I love and honor my rebel self, it is not always the best source of wisdom. There are evolved beings on this planet that have remained in indigenous culture: the Aborigines, Maoris, the Dogan tribe in Africa, many of the Native American tribes in North, Central and South America. They can move into multidimensional consciousness because they have highly developed right brains, but they are not able to translate their knowledge to most people living in "developed" countries... countries filled with people who have developed their left brains and the technological gains which have ensued, but have been taught not to trust the wisdom of their right brains. We, in those "techno" cultures need science to back up magic, to back up the reality that we are multidimensional beings capable of living in several dimensions simultaneously.
As usual, the Universe is providing. And I am feeling really grateful to be alive at a time where I have a front row seat to this amazing show.