Monday, December 19, 2011

Speaking Our 7th Dimensional Truth and other MultiD Ramblings

I have been revisiting and revising my second book Empowering the Spirit, because I'm planning to publish it on Kindle in the next few months.  As I was looking over what I had written on the 5th chakra, I realized how this chakra is connected with the 7th Dimension and began as well to realize that as we heal this chakra, we amplify our ability to hold 7D frequency.

The 5th chakra is our throat chakra.  To keep it functioning in a healthy way, we need to be able to both speak our truth and speak from our hearts.  I wrote about the developmental task of teenagers needing to talk back when something feels unfair or wrong.  As a society, we discourage this and therefore many of us reach adulthood repressing honest communication and therefore powerful self-expression.  There's something even deeper and more insidious that begins to occur when we are trained to not speak from our heart, to not speak our truth, to not challenge convention:  we begin to hold back speaking our inner wisdom which both disconnects us from our Spirit and creates obstacles to our collective evolution.

In 7D, higher dimensional light gets transduced into sound.  Chanting, bird song, conscious music and poetry hold this resonance for us and keep us connected to the energy of this dimension. If one were to imagine that they could tune their vocal chords to vibrate in harmony, if not in exact frequency of 7D (I suspect we do not at this point have the physical capacity for our vocal chords to vibrate at that frequency although chanting the word OM, at just the right resonance, gets us close,) we would hold this level of consciousness in all our communications.  Imagine spreading Divine resonance simply by speaking our truth and communicating our wisdom.

I always talk about the water crystals when I teach about 7D.  Masaru Emoto in The Hidden Messages in Water ran experiments to show how sound (and even the written word) created different crystalline formations in water:  some clearly beautiful and healing, and other's bleak and unappealing.  Consciously sending loving words into the water would create these vibrant, healing water crystals while consciously sending angry, hateful words to the water would create structures that actually looked quite ill.  Music did the same thing creating harmony or disharmony depending on the resonance (there are beautiful crystals from 1950's modern jazz, and some pretty ugly formations from some Heavy Metal music. Sounds from 7D (which are made up of higher vibrational light that has slowed down from 8D) create energetic crystalline structures in 6D pretty much the same way: this is sacred geometry.  And for those of you following this multidimensional theory, you'll remember that everything in 6D replicates in 3D.  You'll also remember that creation on the 9D vertical axis comes both from above and from below. There are gravitational waves in both 1D and 9D that create all that exists in between.  Therefore not only does 6D replicate in 3D, 3D thoughts create mists in 6D that give rise to geometric configurations as well, which then will replicate on Earth.  Given this, I would think that we send energy up to 7D, just as 7D sends energy down to us.  This is the dance of creation.  And sound plays a very important role.

As I wrote this, my mind immediately wandered over to the dark side of communication: Those infamous 4-letter words that personally I have found to hold some important wisdom on their own about the human experience.  Am I taking myself away from that higher frequency every time "oh shit" falls out of my mouth.  "Fuck yes!"  I answer wryly.  BUT, there is a cadence and humor, and even better, an overall passion, a teenage-style life force energy that is often encoded in these expletives.  So lest I start thumping a new paradigm bible, and try to impose old rules of conduct, let me be clear.  It is not the words, but the intent behind them, the energy behind them.  If I start cursing you out, I am taking a negative feeling within me and projecting it onto you, this will keep me stuck in dense energies.  I'll be creating "sick water crystals" so to speak.  On the other hand, if I use expletives to express a passionate feeling, I may be opening that archetypal stream to higher dimensional portals and maybe end up creating a whole new geometric crystal structure that might have its own type of beauty.  Remember we can use very proper words to spew bad energy, and not such proper ones to keep us in a good energy flow.  So I suppose one really important criteria for healthy 5th chakra expression is authenticity and an open heart.  From there all dramatic words have a positive purpose.  My point is, that words and sounds that can hook us up to the spiritual energy of 7D might not always be the most "holy" and therefore the most obvious.  It is not the word itself, but rather the feeling behind that word when it is uttered or written.  (Now that would be an interesting water crystal experiment.)

Because authentic speech has been discouraged, suppressed and repressed in our culture, even the most developed human is likely to have some communication issues.  I'd like to see a water crystal that develops when one uses words that avoid truth, that are indirect and full of innuendo.  It is a good practice to think about how we were taught to communicate.  Were we taught to hold back?  Were we taught to speak aggressively?  Were we taught to speak words we thought others would like us to say?  It is interesting that the word phony, has "phon" (as in phonic) in it.  Crystalline formations from inauthentic speech no matter how pretty the words, aren't going to create healing structures.  And clear, direct and truthful words spoken with love will heal our hearts, our relationships and no doubt, our dimension.

So speak out, brother and sister Earthlings, tell it like it is, tell it like you feel it, and tell it like you vision it.   Speak of love, and speak of pain.  Imagine the words that begin in your heart, that move up into your brain, and let them roll out of your mouth.  Sing your passion and sing us a new world... afterall, it's almost 2012.

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