Sunday, May 8, 2011

Plugging Ourselves into 8D Co-Creativity

True Co-creation occurs when we are able to plug our consciousness into the frequency of the eighth dimension. This is a way that we can live more multidimensionally on the 9D axis, and in fact, create blessings and deep transformation for ourselves and for our world.  Divine Mind and Divine Order reside in the 8th Dimension, and the more we understand how to access this 8D part of our self, the more powerfully we can connect with these aspects of the Divine.

Next to 9D, the eighth dimension has the fastest vibration and thus the highest frequency.   An easy way to understand multidimensional frequency and vibration is to imagine a piano lying on its side so that the keyboard is vertical instead of horizontal.  This is one gigantic imaginary piano -- its lowest note is in the Earth's iron crystal core, and its highest note is at Galactic Center.  If you have ever looked inside a piano, you know that sound is created when you depress one of the keys by vibrating the wires that key is connected to.  The lower notes vibrate the wires very slowly and the high notes, very quickly.  So it is with the resonance of the dimensions.  The energy of the lower dimensions vibrate very slowly and create dense materiality (the molecules are closer together).  If you start at 1D and go up the 9D axis, each dimension is one octave higher than the one below, and just like the piano, the speed of vibration doubles with each octave, and so with each dimension, the molecules become twice as far apart as the dimension just below it.  By the time you get to 8D, you have a frequency that is vibrating outside of our ability to hear it with the human ear.  It has turned invisible as well, but scientifically can be identified as light.  The molecules are so far apart that form of any kind is indiscernible to us.

However, the frequencies of those imaginary piano notes, or in this case, of the dimensions, not only exist outside of us from a 3D perspective, but in us as well.  8D is an invisible frequency because its light travels so quickly.   Hand Clow uses the example of mystics being "blinded by the light" to describe the nature of light in 8D.  We can't see it with our eyes; we can only perceive it with our inner senses.  Science is theorizing and getting close to proving that light in 7D - 9D travels 3 times as fast as light in our dimension.  Hand Clow also explains that our minds are receiving devices for all of this.  To use her phrase from Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, we have the ability for our brains to be "vertical axis radios." (p. 128), meaning that we can connect with all of the dimensions by tuning into their frequencies. 

This is an amazing gift.  When we take in those frequencies, we take the dimensions into ourselves.  This means we are able to expand our awareness to hold 8D consciousness within our psyches.  As we do this, we have direct access to Co-creation, which is about internalizing and harmonizing with the Divine Mind energy from 8D.  This is where synchronicity and manifestation abilities originate as well.  In order to consciously receive 8D frequency, we have to slow down.   We have to learn to tune into both our breath, and our physical responses to energy.  As Hand Clow notes, the only way to connect with 8D is to experience it kinesthetically because we do not have the physiology to externally hear or see it.

This goes back to my image that we can become multi-dimensional tuning forks.  The more we allow this to unfold within us, the more available the multidimensional codes in our DNA become.

What would this feel like, sound like and look like in our lives? 

The most dramatic experience I had with this occurred for me several decades ago when I was in my late 20's.  I was reading The Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda, and doing yoga daily.  I lived alone and worked for myself.  Not needing much money to live on, I had a lot of time and space in my life to be quiet and to tune in as my consciousness was shifting.  One evening, I had what has remained the most profound experience of my life.  I was standing in my apartment looking out at the sky and the full moon, and suddenly my psyche began to open.  I could visually see the veils of maya before me and simultaneously I was aware that I was not developed enough, had not worked through enough of my ego wounding, to handle all that was happening.  I asked it to stop.  It did, but emotionally something phenomenally wonderful occurred.  I found myself on my knees, weeping.  And I knew I was experiencing what the Christians have labelled "grace."  Among the many amazing parts of that experience, one was that I had been brought up as a secular Jew without much spiritual education, and had never been taught anything about "grace."  And yet, the word came loud and clear as I was experiencing it.  I knew exactly what was happening. 

This experience changed my whole life.  I call it a conversionary experience not because I converted to any religion, but because I experienced the Divine within me.  My teenage Atheism, which was hanging by a thread at that point in my life, totally dissolved.  This was a direct experience with the Divine.   From that moment on I knew this Loving Force existed in the Universe and it was ultimately accessible to us all.  From then on, I lived my life from that perspective, and it has been filled with amazingly blessings.

For almost a year after that, I lived almost totally in synchronicity.  I consistently felt the ongoing availability of a perfect universe.  While in retrospect, most of us can see that all that has happened to us has always been in Divine Order, my experience during that year was crystal clear.  Looked at multidimensionally, I had spontaneously accessed 8D and was able to live from 8D awareness.  While the ability has remained with me, after that first year it began to blend more into my daily consciousness, and so felt less dramatic.

This is a long blog, and while I have much more to say on this, I will save it for later blogs and for my teachings.  The main point of this is to say to each and everyone of you, notice when 8D is activated within, and notice when it is not.  If you are not in its flow, take some time to consciously breathe, go into your heart and call it in.

And since we are nearing the end of the Mayan calendar, time (illusion though it ultimately is) is of the essence, so you might want to hurry it up a bit...

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