Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Time to Get Back to the Garden

As I was mulling over what to write today, words from a song Crosby, Stills and Nash sang floated into my consciousness  .... "We are stardust. We are golden.  And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden...."  Those guys are some pretty evolved folks and high consciousness information was contained in that song. 

"Stardust" and "golden" are good adjectives to help describe our 8th dimensional self.  As I've mentioned before all form in 8D is made of light that is vibrating so quickly the human eye is incapable of seeing it.   Divine mind, Divine inspiration, and Divine love hold their form in this light frequency. If we are really seeking Divine guidance, this is where we want to go.  The biblical metaphor of the Garden of Eden may well have to do with the difference between 8th dimensional Light, and what happens when that light comes into the 4th dimension where we lose the ability to commune with the Divine because we have entered the realm of duality. 

So maybe it went something like this:  the ka bodies of Adam and Eve were hanging out quite ecstatically in their sacred geometric forms, in their sacred geometric garden in the 6th dimension, as was the snake and the apple tree and the apple.  (Remember 6D form is just 8D Light vibrating more slowly.)  In order for them to replicate in 3D reality, they had to come through the 4th dimensional split. KaZaam!  No more paradise-style Garden.

While everything that exists on our planet, and which exists inside and outside of us has its potentiality in the Light of 8D, the concepts of Gods and Goddesses, Yahweh, Jesus and all other religious figures, get transduced when they enter into 4D.  Christ consciousness which Jesus was bringing to the Earth is from the 8th dimension, but Christianity and all the earth's religions, as opposed to spiritual practices, reside in the 4th dimensional aspect of ourselves.  These religions are a manifestation of 4D consciousness because the Light now has been divided into polar opposites.  Kazaam again -- here come the concepts of good and evil, righteousness and sin.

On a physical level these polar energies are neutral, but the way this translates emotionally and spiritually is that now we have the concept of the light and the dark; the good and the bad.  All the dimensions above 4D are non-dual frequencies -- this is where Oneness resides.  You cannot have the energies of positive and negative, good and evil until you come through 4D.  As soon as those polar energies show up though, we run the risk of getting stuck in one pole or the other. 

If Ascension really is quite literally humans vibrating at their 5th dimensional frequency while still living on planet Earth, and I think it is, then we can only get back to that Garden by integrating the polar energies of 4D so that they do not bog us down in those dysfunctional dualistic dramas us Earthlings keep acting out.  Because the frequency of the 5th dimension is the one that most closely resonates with our biology on Earth, it makes sense to me that we can learn to vibrate at the same frequency speed of 5D, but keep our human form and stay on planet Earth. 

In her book, Alchemy of 9 Dimensions, Hand Clow explains the physics of what is happening and this is absolutely fascinating to me.  In its simplest sense, she points out that astronomers have found "potent gamma-ray bursts...reaching our solar system since the 1990's....  This awakening by high-energy gamma rays are an energy of the highest order we know, which means we are really talking about consciousness itself."   She goes on to share her channeled information that "gamma-ray bursts cause humans to become seers who are conscious in nine dimensions simultaneously."  (p. 71)  This is in her chapter on 5D and she shows how this is all connected to 5D frequency.

My interpretation is that we are being bombarded with light that holds a 5D vibration.  It allows us to become conscious enough to release ourselves from the duality of 4D and re-turn at a higher rung on the spiral, to "Paradise."  You really can observe this in your own life once you understand how to extract yourself from 4D duality.  It's called JOY.

Keep sowing those seeds, Brother and Sister Earthlings.  We really can get back to that Garden as we move forward in our evolution and create a New Earth.

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