Friday, August 19, 2011

Engaging Our High Heart: Our Multidimensional Internet Connection

The seasons feel like they are changing right now.  The last few days have been brisk, and even though summery weather is sure to make a return, there is no stopping the momentum of the coming change.  Summer must give way to Fall, and Fall to Winter: but it is not just the way of the lower dimensions.  The higher dimensional shifts, those processions of cycles in the higher dimensions, are just as inevitable.  And these are energy shifts that bring far more powerful change than leaves falling and temperatures dropping.  These energy shifts swirl into our consciousness and activate each and every one of us.  They insist that we leave behind the season that is dying and we open to that which must come next whether we feel ready or not.

All things in the Universe grow, die, and grow again.  While this has been eternally true, our current times are unique and amazing;  the energy being opened for the human species is extraordinary.  Each of us now has the potential for having direct access to Source and in that direct access, we also will access our multidimensional nature.  It is this nature that allows us to fully understand and become conscious of the communication links from Source, to be part of the Cosmic Internet if you will.

So what is Source from a multidimensional perspective?  Suzan Carrol (also known as Suzanne Lie),  in her August 11th newsletter, ( presents a beautiful inter-dimensional map. She delineates 12D as our Source dimension, and channels the Arcturians saying:  "...You on Earth began as twelfth dimensional Stellar Elohim who were, and still are ONE with the Source.  Elohim are the holders of form in the Multiverse..."   This means that all we know as form is essentially spun out from the energy of 12D.  That goes way beyond the 9D vertical axis, but fully informs 9D which in turn informs all of the lower dimensions.  AND, just like the 9D model, this is an interactive process with growth occurring both from above downward, and below, upward.  The guiding principal as always, is Unconditional Love.

Which brings me to the essence of today's blog.  The most direct way to access communication from the higher dimensions is through our high hearts.  Carroll in her channeling, points out that the "messages from the higher dimensions enter your Opened Third Eye (your Crown and Brow Chakras working as ONE), but the meaning of that message is perceived through your High Heart.  It is through your High Heart that you and your higher expressions of SELF can bond into ONE."

This means to fully activate our multidimensional potential, we need to fully open our High Heart.  The High heart rests between our heart chakra and our throat chakra.  For those of you who have not experienced this before, stop for a moment and take some deep centering breaths until you feel yourself in a state of openness and relaxation.  Notice the energy flow (or blockage) in your heart chakra and send gratitude and healing there.  You are likely to feel warmth and a sense of swirling energy.  Now bring your awareness up to the center of your chest.  If you are able to sense energy, you will realize that while there is also warmth and swirling energy in the high heart, the energy is lighter, even more joyful...  This is our energetic link to Source or the Divine.  Notice too if there are any walled off parts, heavy places or other blockages that are asking to be transformed.

As humans, even very evolved loving humans, it is a tall order at best to stay in a consistent state of unconditional love.  From my observation, part of this 9th Wave of the Mayan calendar is spiralling anything within us that is unhealed up to the surface yet again.  This often takes those of us who have been working on our healing for decades by surprise... wondering why we still find ourselves dealing with old dysfunctional patterns of behavior and outmoded old paradigm beliefs.  We tend to forget that we are holographic.  Remember holograms contain the whole in every part.  So if you were to break off a piece of a holographic plate that contains an image of a cat, each piece will also contain that image, but in fainter form.  So it is with our old patterns.  As we heal them they don't disappear, but rather become fainter so they have less and less power in our lives.  In my experience,  when we are in a growth spurt about to move up to a higher place on the evolutionary spiral, these old patterns resurface for deeper healing.  The energy of the Universal Underworld (or 9th Wave) is activating growth spurts in all of us, so that these old patterns have to come up.

Most if not all of these beliefs and patterns we have been carrying, have caused emotional wounding.  This in turn, has caused many of us to wall off parts of our hearts as self-protection.  While this is a reflexive process for us humans, it is totally counterproductive to our growth and certainly to our multidimensional growth.  Collectively we have been working to heal our heart charka blockages and pain for the last 3 decades, but now, we are being prodded to heal our high heart blockages as well.  It certainly is normal that when we are wounded, we also feel abandoned by the Divine and then end up holding anger and grief around this.  This can turn into resentment, depression, and/or a sense of powerlessness.  We know inside of ourselves that we have this potential to connect, download and transmit messages from the 12D Elohim (even if we had no conscious idea they existed).  We intuitively can feel a sense of something missing, a sense of being cut off from an important part of ourselves.  The problem is that we cannot fully open this high heart unless we can step into full self love.  If you are being re-visited by old patterns (whether the signals are coming from inside of you or from events in your outer life,) this is an invitation from your 12D Self to identify areas where you still need to love yourself more, and to do the necessary emotional work to heal this at yet another level.

Once we do this, we will find ourselves able to communicate and use the wisdom from all of the dimensions,
and simultaneously keep balanced in our day to day life.  The old behavior patterns and beliefs that have developed from both our individual and collective wounds will grow fainter yet again.  And our loving energy will be freed up more profoundly than ever before, as will our intuitive and spiritual powers.

As Fall and Winter open to Spring and Summer, and Spring and Summer open to Fall and Winter, so black holes open to white holes and white holes to black holes.  It is Hand Clow's contention that in the 9th Dimension at Galactic Center, which is a black hole itself, a white hole of a new Universe is about to be birthed in 2012.  As multidimensional beings, part of our psyches holds all the energy of these profound transformative cycles, but I do think it makes sense to look first for the black holes within us, and know that as we move into them with love and consciousness, a remarkable new birth is about to come forth.

Let those old belief and behavioral patterns release as the trees release their leaves.  Work to heal and transform any heart and High Heart wounding, and remember to breathe through those contractions.  Once your labor is over, you'll be amazed at the miracle that is You.

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