Friday, January 28, 2011

How's My Hair?

Whenever I begin a new area of self-discovery, I do so with a commitment to not only become more personally insightful, but to put those insights into my daily reality:  to live what I am learning, to walk my talk.
This both anchors me in the new growth, and allows me to integrate the material so when I teach it, I can share it from the inside-out.

As part of my multi-dimensional learning, I've incorporated calling in my ka (our 6D perfected soul body) as part of my daily practice, as well as consciously experiencing myself as that 9D tuning fork I've been talking about in past blogs.  As I do this, I've been paying attention to what insights this brings me. 

A few days ago, I had this wonderful image occur as I was sitting, tuning in and feeling my ka aligned with my 3D body.  The 4D canopy, which at that moment was diaphanous light, hovered right above my head like a crown, and intersecting it from above, were rays of light, one from each of the higher dimensions (5D - 9D), feathered out evenly above the crown.  The phrase that formed in my mind was "crown of light" and it seemed clear that was related to the concept of the "crown of thorns." 

When I began to think about this image, I saw how symbolically accurate it was.  I was in a loving, calm and emotionally clear space when the "crown of light" image came to me.  I was not caught in one or the other poles of 4D.  Remember it is being caught in one of the polar opposites of the 4th dimension that creates duality.  This keeps us feeling separate from Essence, and therefore separate from our soul.  It is what causes suffering within us:  the proverbial "crown of thorns".  Getting caught in these poles are the way that we sacrifice ourselves, the way we sacrifice our Divine nature. 

When we learn to pay attention to when we get caught in the duality of 4D, and are able to lovingly contain each of the opposites within us, we become free.   The 4D canopy becomes diaphanous and supports the higher frequency, higher dimensional light that has to come through it to reach our psyches.  It is at this at this point that we are then fully able to access dimensions 5 - 9 and thus our multi-dimensional potential.

Take a moment and imagine this crown of light.  Just like in the fairy tales... it is a golden crown with 5 equi-distant protrusions that point outward, all shimmering, all aglow.  Notice how you feel when you are wearing this chapeau.  And then conversely, imagine the crown of thorns, heavy and dark and painful, sitting on your head, digging into your brain rather than hovering gracefully in your energy field.  Notice which crown you are wearing today. 

As you can see, wearing that "crown of thorns" makes for a a pretty bad hair day whereas that "crown of light"  ... everyone will ask "who's does your hair?"

Just prior to writing this, I did a 7D activation meditation that Gerry Clow wrote.  Gerry is Barbara Hand Clow's husband, and he has created all the meditations which begin the chapters in Alchemy of 9 Dimensions.  I read the meditation slowly and mindfully.  Within seconds of sitting in silence and reading this meditation, I felt myself go into in a deep trance state, and even now 1/2 hour later, I am still feeling the physiological effects.  More multi-dimensional activation is occurring within me.  While I don't have words yet to share it with you, each time I experience an inner shift, I know that it will result in a deeper connection with my 9D self, and ultimately a deeper understanding that can be shared with and taught to others.  So stay tuned.

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