Sunday, October 7, 2012

Synchronistic Time is on My (Our) Side

I've been planning to blog on synchronistic time ever since I had a dinner conversation a few weeks ago with my friend Thea Summer Deer and she kept pointing out all the ways we were living in it.  It wasn't that the concept was new, but rather the phrase.  What I've called higher dimensional time or Divine timing or "heart time" (thank you William Faulkner) really is experienced through synchronicity.  It opens us to a new way of walking through our life on this planet.  It is New Earth time.

And it is always with us.  That to me is where the real magic comes in.  If we alter our perception ever so slightly, we see this "New Earth time" is always there and always has been.  Sometimes we live alignment with it, and other times we don't.  It is our personal timeline, our soul's map for our Earthly journey. Time spins out of 9D, and develops some form of Divine Order in 8D.  We are multidimensional beings, so our souls have set up synchronicities or sign posts for us from our 8th dimensional consciousness to always pop in at just the right moment.

Alignment with synchronistic time brings us joy and well-being, the sense of all being "right with the world".  When we try to "smush" our lives into person-made linear time (clocks, calendars), time that our egos like and think they need, we typically feel stressed and out of sync with ourselves.  We set alarm clocks to wake up instead of being able to flow with our natural rhythms and to trust that we will get up in time for whatever we are called to do that day.  We worry about wasting time, running out of time, bad timing.

I doubt that we are evolving in a way to no longer have use for linear time.  I think it will just lose its CEO position, and instead become a line worker, the way it was meant to be all along.  When we live in the big multidimensional picture, we live in the large symbolic cycles of time and our "clocks" operate on synchronicity.  We don't have to worry about when it's right to start that new job, or write that new book or make that big move.  We just have to ask for the sign posts to light up, and voila, it becomes crystal clear.

In every turning point of my life, I can see the synchronicities that were there for me.  They led me to a specific college, they directed me to what I was Called to do in my life, and to the people who would help me in this endeavor.  They were there for all my significant relationships and all my significant moves.  I feel very blessed because I have been able to honor their gifts.  Somehow my Spirit always stepped in and got me to pay attention and take the risks, no matter how wrong they might have seemed to my linear mind (or my mother), I just kept following the synchronicities.  I believe this is the foremost reason that my life has turned out to be so fulfilling.

Understanding synchronistic time deepens our ability to trust, to know that even when life feels at its darkness, we are part of a greater plan; the plan that our multidimensional soul designed to encourage our greatest growth.  Of course, there is always free will.  We don't have to pay attention, that's a choice.  But should we choose to live in that greater awareness, that greater cycle, to learn our lessons with grace, to understand that challenges are simply a way for us to stretch into operating from a vaster consciousness, we begin to see that blessings abound.

Keep in mind that to open to whatever lessons we're presented is not about passively accepting what life brings us.  That would put us at the mercy of forces outside of ourselves.  It is instead to live proactively with challenges put before us, understanding that our soul starts by tapping us on the shoulder, and if we pay attention to that gentle tap, we can generally avoid getting slammed.  But whether we get slammed or not, all experience happens in collusion with our souls and one way our souls speak to us is through synchronicity urging us to live in synchronistic time. 

So how about you Brother/Sister Earthlings.  What role has synchronistic time played in your life?  Was there a road not taken even though the signs were flashing;  a road that felt too scary?  And if so, how did that impact you?  Think about when you did follow those flashing syncrhonistic lights?  What outcome did that bring?

Are you feeling that your life is currently in flow?  That your soul nature and your human nature are living in alignment?  Or is your ego popping in a lot with its judgments, stresses and goals so that you feel imprisoned in 3D time, and too distracted to notice the well-lit path which will show up with just that slight shift of perception?

Well this blog has taken me way too much time and as I'm running out of time, and feeling in a time crunch and not taking the time, to oops, stop, breathe...    Oh wait, ... it takes as long as it takes and everything is all lined up and I always have as much time as I need, and I will still get on that airplane Tuesday morning.  Ahhhh... that feels better.  Nonetheless, it really is time to sign-off.

Sending you ongoing love and blessings,


If you are looking for more guidance to track the synchronicities in your life you might want to check out this mini-book on Kindle by my former student Jean Ferratier:   
Reading Symbolic Signs:  How to Connect the Dots of Your Spiritual Life.

For those near Bend Oregon, the 1/2 day workshop on Activating our Multidimensional Consciousness on Saturday, October 13th is filling fast!  Email me at for more information or check out upcoming events on my website at    


  1. Judith, Thank you for writing this blog. I think it is so important for us to be aware that time as we know it is ending. The end of time is simply that shift into synchronistic New Earth time as you have so beautifully illustrated. All of the Armageddon scenarios are fear based and when we replace the fear with love we get to "shift" into this greater knowing of how we move and dance through time. It is a beautiful opportunity to align our souls with nature and the nature of reality. These synchronicities deeply guide my life and bring me to greater trust of the universe. As a result, I am allowing myself more time.

  2. I also wanted to mention that I teach a class at Wise Woman University called "Heal Your Heart" that helps us understand the role of the Elements, in this case the Fire Element which is responsible for decoding symbolic language. When we have a heart-mind disconnect we lose the ability to interpret the signs and receive higher guidance. Time to regain and reclaim our inner navigation system. To learn more visit:

  3. I was reading your blog and totally agreeing with everything you said. In addition to paying attention to synchronicity I have added another element that I choose to live by as much as possible. It is called Do It Now Live Style Awareness Coaching.
    It fits in perfectly with synchronous moments and helps keep me moving forward in awareness and inspired action.
