Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Frequency for a New Earth

Lately there have been many writings by spiritual intuitives and teachers asserting that we have reached a positive tipping point on our planet; that the creation of a New Earth filled with conscious, loving, spiritually awake people is truly coming to pass.  They also say the frequency of this New Earth will be vibrating at the speed of the 5th dimension.  When we match our vibrations to 5D, we spontaneously find ourselves in the realm of unconditional love and Unity consciousness.  This process of moving from the density of 3D to the lighter form of 5D is called ascension.

For many decades I have perceived that there would be a split occurring on Earth as we entered this new age.  On one hand there would be people who were committed to growth, love and healing, operating cooperatively with each other and understanding and honoring the interconnection of all; on the other hand there would be people stuck in fear and the old patriarchal models of force and exploitation, still operating out of a competitive, dog-eat-dog paradigm.  I understood this was connected to a difference in our vibrational frequency, that one group's cells would literally be vibrating faster than the other, but I didn't understand then, how that was related to the different dimensions.

Probably about 10 years ago it began to dawn on me that this split was beginning to take place, and a few years ago things became really clear.  I saw that open-hearted, healed people were able to live open-hearted and therefore satisfying lives, while fear-based people were stuck in very painful dramas.  That doesn't mean there were no challenges for the first group or no moments of pleasure for the second... but rather that on a vibrational level, we already were literally living on two very different planets that share the same physical space. Since everything is electro-magnetic, our fields were drawing to us people of the same frequency, i.e. people who's cells were vibrating at a similar rate to ours. It became more rare for the two groups to converge.

As the Mayan calendar, the 16.4 billion year cycle of evolution on planet Earth, is coming to a end, the split has become more and more distinct.  This by no means suggests that those living in a fear paradigm won't have options to shift... certainly I believe that choice will always exist.  But perhaps it will become more difficult because the difference in frequency between the groups is continually becoming greater.  So essentially there is one group of people on the planet who are in the process of actively ascending into 5th dimensional consciousness and another group that is still resisting or in some cases fighting against this process.

Suzan Caroll just wrote a wonderful account of her own most recent process of ascension, describing what she experiences when she holds this 5D multidimensional frequency.  Her image of the groups I spoke about above was slightly different and no doubt more accurate. She sees the world now with 3 groups.  She divides the "fear" group I spoke of, into two parts:  those who are really desiring change, wanting to lift themselves out of the old way, but still very scared and therefore attracting many 3D challenges as a way to promote growth, and a darker group of souls who believe they have benefited from the low frequency in the world and want to keep things the way they are.  She believes both groups are being activated to some degree, but the latter group is much more entrenched in the old ways. We help both group by sending unconditional love to all, which keeps their options open.

The other really important piece that Caroll speaks of, is her own story of connecting, or more accurately reconnecting, with her 5D self.  For those of you who are intrigued, I really encourage you to go to www.multidimensions.com and click on the September 26th newsletter.  It is a brave and fascinating account of her personal journey and I believe that many of you may find a deep activation within you when you read her story.

From my perspective, it is key to remember that we are talking about reconnecting with parts of ourselves that are operating in different dimensions.  Pay attention to the fact the we are "re"-connecting.  Our souls know the experience of being multidimensional, and so once we have achieved a bit of mastery here, there is an amazing sense of wholeness.  Our present ascension happens when we reconnect with our 5D self, but I suspect once we raise our vibrations to merge with that frequency, we will then learn to merge with the higher dimensions as well. And we will ultimately be able to hold these dimensional frequencies concurrently.

Holding different dimensional frequencies concurrently might be a difficult concept for some of you but it is really important one.  As I teach in my multidimensional workshops, we are potentially capable of holding at least 9 dimensions of consciousness at one time (9 different frequencies).  This is the encoding that is being released in our DNA as part of our current evolution.  Since each dimension corresponds to certain a vibrational frequency, when we are able to match our frequency with the frequency of our selves that operate in other dimensions, we begin to merge with these parts.  Suzan Caroll writes of her own experience merging her 3D self with her 5D self and actually holding two different 5D realities at one time:  one being the experience of the 5D frequency on the New Earth, and the other merging with her 5D self that is working with other 5D beings to help Gaia

I learned I could do this from practicing Richard Miller's meditations on Yoga Nidra.  Yoga Nidra is the yoga of non-duality (ie Oneness), and teaches us that we are all everything, not as an intellectual concept but as an embodied experience.  One of the ways these meditations do this is by leading us to notice and hold two or more emotional states at one time.  So it is with holding different dimensional frequencies.  From Caroll's account, and she is very evolved energetically, we have to begin slowly.  While we can intuit the 9 frequencies at once, we cannot really live them yet.  But we can begin to live 2 frequencies at once which will bring us into a deeper sense of our multidimensionality.

I began this blog a few days ago while feeling sorely stuck in 3D.  In some ways it's not a bad place to be on a brilliant Fall day in the beautiful blue-ridged Smoky Mountains.  My 3D life is a good one.  But what happens for me is that when I'm stuck in 3D, I'm not vibrating with joy.  From my experience, in order to fully feel joy, our hearts must be open enough to vibrate at what must be a 5D frequency.  When that happens it doesn't matter where you are or what your 3D life is like.  St. Francis of Assisi was able to do this while confined to a dungeon for a year.  So my heart was back in 3D, open but not enough to carry the 5D frequency of that full unconditional love, and while I did some meditation, and lots of journal writing, I couldn't seem to change this.  Then, little by little, the stuckness began to melt as did some old habits and beliefs that kept my vibratory rate moving slower than usual. The joy has seeped back in for however long I can sustain it this time. Remember it is an ongoing process.  We do not grow in a linear way.

So brother and sister Earthlings, you too might find your yourself feeling expansive and connected to your 5D frequency one day, stuck in 3D the next, and back to 5D the day after.  Pay attention to your vibrational field, be gentle with yourself and put out the intent to meet and merge with your 5th dimensional self.  And that's only beginning of the wonders that await us.


  1. Very encouraging :) I'm struggling with maintaining my center when I pay attention to what is going on in the world.
    Thank you.

  2. Such a timely reminder! I've been feeling the different vibrational frequencies, too. Movement between dimensions seems to be happening more quickly. Holding more than one is getting clearer. But where I remain stuck is in fear of reoccurring physical pain. What can we do to allow the natural flow even in those times of extreme discomfort? Thanks, Judith! Blessings!
