Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's About Time and I think I'm "Getting" the 9th Dimension

In time.  On time.  Out of time.  Is it time?  What does it mean that time is ending?
What does it mean that 9D spins time waves out of Galactic Center and that the Mayan Calendar is based on these 9th-dimensional waves? And should I be taking the time to blog about this especially when I am feeling frustrated that I seem to have so little time to blog and write in general?  Am I wasting my time?  And since time is pretty much an illusion anyway, why don't I stretch time and then everything will fall neatly into place -- just in time. Ahhh... the contradictions and the predilections of the inquiring mind.

Last blog, I talked about how time is quite literally speeding up.  We've known this.  Way before I knew about how this connected to the Mayan calendar, I was having discussions with friends and students about this phenomenon.  Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now, which I read too long ago to remember exactly how time was handled (and of course, I'm feeling I don't have enough time right now to check into it,) helped us experience the clarity/reality that if we just get in the Now, there is always plenty of time.

This is bringing up the model we used to use in the 70's to show the illusion of scarcity;  a story about how there was a belief that there were only so many "warm fuzzies" to go around.   We all learned even back then that the too-little-money-too-little-time-too-little-love-model was just part of the old paradigm, of The System, of Capitalism, of the Patriarchy. There is always abundant time, resources and love to go around if we stop feeding into this illusion.  Here we are, could it actually be 40 years later!!!!  We are still learning the same lesson.  It seems to be taking a long time ...and it is still feeling timely.

Okay... let me get a bit more focused, and stop rushing despite what time the clock is telling me it is.  I'm remembering the time in my life, in the mid 60's, when I was an English major studying Faulkner.  Faulkner had a strong awareness of the difference between Heart Time and Clock Time. For those of you who haven't read Faulkner, you might not know about this.  He wrote of the South.  The segregated/post-slavery South.  He understood that the "Negros," as African-Americans were called in his time, were connected to something that white people weren't, and it had to do with time.  He tuned into their wisdom about the natural rhythms and natural cycles of things and lamented being stuck in a culture that used clock time as a standard and demanded that its participants rule their lives by it.

Indigenous people have had this time thing figured out.  In Mutant Message Down Under, the Maori went into a sacred cave on their walk-about and checked in with some powerful time portal that their whole culture was based on.  It was above my head (which no doubt is why we tend to see 9D as Up) but I got a sense of it.  If only I could find my copy of that book, I bet I'd understand their quest in a much more profound way, which might in itself unlock the answers to questions that I'm posing.  But I gave several copies away a long time ago.

I was in Morocco for a few weeks in the early 70's and learned another interesting lesson about pre-industrial cultures and time.  When you made an agreement for someone to come to dinner or to meet at a particular "time," to the Moroccan at least in those days, that meant they could show up any time after that agreement was made... it could be days later.  I guess they would come whenever it felt right.  I was fascinated that a society could operate like that; this was such a foreign concept.

We are being challenged in a new way right now on Planet Earth.  How does one live in the Now which was easy for indigenous cultures, and one of the hardest lessons for industrial and  post-industrial cultures, and still maintain a connection to clocks and appointment books and deadlines (now there's a word for you)?  And do we still want to have clocks and appointment books and deadlines as we enter this ascension portal that is awaiting us between Oct. 28th of this year, and Dec. 21, 2012; this ascension portal at the end of this 16.4 billion year evolutionary cycle?

At this point in time, I believe that we will.  I see that we will still have our clocks and our calenders, and that we will still plan activities around them.  However, what will be different will be our relationship to them.  They become our tools rather than enslaving us.  We will find ourselves living in the larger evolutionary cycles of things, because isn't that what really spins out of 9D?  We will hold that 9D consciousness while we go about our daily lives and we will ultimately refuse time-tables that interfere with this.  We will no longer just have "biological" clocks, but we will have spiritual/emotional clocks that will ultimately be what makes us tick.  And all that we do will be Divinely timed.

Okay, I'm timed-out.  I'm in the future thinking of unopened and/or unanswered emails.  So let me take time for a few deep breaths which will usher me back into the Now and help me realize this blog will be posted, of course, right on time.


  1. I can appreciate the "time" post. After my husband went into the nursing home in Oct. 2009, I chose to remove the clock on the kitchen wall. I found how automatically I glanced up at the spot where the clock had been. Very seldom do I glance up now. I knew, as you stated, I need a clock and a calendar to keep track of 3D appointments, etc. I wanted to avoid relying on a "clock" in my at home space. I have to walk over to the stove if I need to know time of day. I feel the speeding up of time and I feel my body and selves adjusting, slowing down, keeping simple, to allow myself to attune and be calibrated to the shifting vibrations and energies that are here and coming quickly. This afternoon is MY "time" to read and post a comment. Love to you, Ruth Anne

  2. Thank you for sharing this Ruth Anne. Love you removing that kitchen clock, and love your description of time speeding up and the adjustment it is asking of us. Love to you, as well!
