Sunday, July 31, 2011

More Mind (and Mind-less) Meanderings

I have blogger's block it seems.  nothing immediately comes through for what to write about this week.  I'm aware that we are finishing up a moon cycle today which began on July 1st with a new moon and powerful eclipse.  And within a day, all the plans I had for this lunar cycle shifted, and I've never quite been able to retrieve them.  Is this blogger's block connected?

And what does this have to do with my multidimensional being?  In listening to a Hand Clow interview last week, I heard Barbara say that we really had to keep expecting the unexpected:  to stay in fluidity and listen to our 8D Guidance and be willing to change plans at the last minute.  Always good advice of course. On an inner level this helps us let go of the rigid old paradigm beliefs we are all carrying.  I have a lot of Virgo in my astrological chart and I enjoy an orderly life.  So there's an illusion and old belief that is beginning to crumble.  I am being asked to learn how I can make my life work whether it is orderly or not.

The interviewer, Jim Self, another teacher and healer, spoke often of time collapsing as we near the end of the calendar.  He noted that all of our memories are being altered.  It is taking everyone longer to remember the past, even the immediate past like what we had for dinner last night.  (OK, my mind is very linear about food and I'm easily remembering the sauteed trout with brown basmati rice and vegetables from our garden.  But I do get his point.)  He feels that this is part of our old beliefs dissolving and of finding ourselves more and more in present moment.

To prove his point, each new moon I write out some intentions to complete during the cycle.  One of the intentions for this last cycle was to let go of self-defeating beliefs about my work.  Apparently I set about that one immediately after the July 1st new moon, since I just found a note card where I had written these limited beliefs down. Not only did I forget I had done this, but when I read over those beliefs, they seemed light years from how I was thinking about things now... yet they were written only 27 or so days ago.  Now it seems I have a whole different set of beliefs to work with.

The most important piece that I gleaned from this interview is that we are collectively shifting our relationship to 4D, which means that we are shifting our relationship to the Collective Mind since 4D holds the Collective Mind.  In the past, we have been controlled by these collective beliefs and the more of us who bought into these beliefs and the more frequently this occurred, the less we were using our own creative potential and the easier it was for the power elite to manipulate us.  Even when we knew these beliefs to be untrue, beliefs for instance like we are all sinners and therefore unworthy, we often found ourselves still operating as if they were and therefore never truly connected with our Selves.  In turn, we never empowered ourselves to step into full Co-Creation.

While many of us have worked with these self-defeating beliefs for decades and have transformed them reasonably well, the Collective Mind has not fully transformed.  This is what currently is in great flux:  there is a collective clearing of  "Who we are not" as a species.   You might want to start with phrase  "who I am not,"and journal on it.  This will move you more intensely into who you are.  When we really know who we are, we are no longer "controllable"  If you remember some blogs back, when I wrote about the old pyramidal structures collapsing, embracing who we really are, embracing our powerful multidimensional nature, is the driving force behind that collapse because it activates unlimited resourcefulness within us.

It gets a bit more complicated however.  The Oneness movement on this planet is huge right now.  It is part of our entry point into our collective Ascension.  What we understand from this concept of Oneness (or if you prefer, non-dualism) is that everything we are not, we also are.  (Is your left brain going crazy from this yet?) But using the other, even more important entry portal, that of our hearts, allows us to release attachment to this untrue-self, or cultural self, to integrate and therefore neutralize its energy.  Everything we are and everything we are not, is a manifestation of the Divine, since everything is energy.  But if we want to create a New Earth based on higher consciousness and love, we need to stop feeding "who we are not."  Instead, we need to breathe more life into our true expression.  As we do this, we bring in our ka bodies more fully and an unstoppable vibration rolls out from us and aligns us with whole new frequencies and thins the collective 4D muck, so more and more high vibrational light shines through.  This in turn allows us to connect with all 9 dimensions of ourselves... we become a very different species living on a very different planet.

Okay.  Can't say I feel the blogger's block fully gone, but the words are on the page, and a few days have passed.  We are now being activated by this Leo new moon.  Here's our opportunity to be imbued with courage, creativity and heart-centered awarenesses, and if that's not enough for you, today, July 31st, we begin Day 5 of the Universal Underworld on the Mayan Calendar.  Watch for what buds are developing within you because within weeks, these will begin to flower.  I'll probably write about it then, that is if I can remember.

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