Saturday, March 19, 2011

Planet Falling Apart? Let's go to 6D and bring in the KA body of the Earth

The other day in my morning practice, as I was holding the awareness of myself as a 9D vertical axis of love, I got a flash of how we can heal the Earth by bringing in its Ka body.  After all, if my sense of well-being depends on my ka being in or out, that should be equally true for our planet. If everything we can conceive of has its geometric configuration residing in 6D, a perfected version of Planet Earth must be residing there as well.  Remember 6D geometry replicates in 3D.  So what is stopping the Earth's ka from replicating in a noticeable way in this earth dimension?  And how can we help change things to facilitate this process?

When my ka is out, or not fully activated in my field, it is because I am running resistant energy that keeps it from making its full connection.  Perhaps I am scared, or sad or angry and not quite aligned with those emotions, so my energy is out of sync.  Perhaps my ego is running outside of my control, unable to quiet itself for the Divine to enter.  To change this, I need to notice what is happening.  If I'm paying attention, I'll notice this rather quickly, if I'm not, I may need to start feeling bad before I realize that the hand of consciousness is tapping me on the shoulder.  How bad it has to get is totally up to me.  The sooner I wake up, the sooner I will feel better.  This brings the obvious question:  how bad does it have to get for enough people on our planet to wake up?  And how can we do our part?

When I realize my ka is out, I start taking some deep centering breaths.  I focus on quieting and disengaging from my ego.  Then I go to my heart center and call my ka body back in.  This is an energetic process.  I essentially have to create a loving space and then magnetize my ka to come fully into resonance with me.

Why not the same process for the Earth?  First we need to notice our disconnection.  We've been getting signals about this for eons.  They have intensified in the last several decades.  And now, with the events that have been unfolding in Japan in the last week, they've gotten just about as clear as they can get.  Of course we can always choose to stay in our denial, but it's not what I would recommend.

Let's take a deep collective breath and get centered.  As we take that deep breath, create a conscious intention to breathe both as an individual, and for the Earth.  Look at the ego-driven forces within ourselves and the ego-driven forces on our planet, and energetically calm them down.  Then let's go to our hearts and open them, first for ourselves for being willing to disengage from our egoic needs, and then for Mother Earth to let her know how much we love and appreciate her.  Let her know how sorry we are that she has suffered so much at our hands.  Imagine our Earth right in the middle of our hearts... maybe you can see yourself as holding that full 9D axis when you do this...  so that you have become vast.  Let's hold her in our hearts, love her unconditionally and see the energy field around her clearing so that her ka can enter.  This is a way for us to let her know that we recognize her sacred energy...and that we will get out of her way so she can resonate more fully with her ka body.

We need to do this as well for all the fear that is coming up on the planet.  Imagine holding that fear in our vast hearts and soothing it and calming it.  It is not fear that will change our world, it is love and the commitment to stay conscious that will bring about global transformation.  Hold the frequency of love, hold the frequency of peace, hold the frequency of abundance and creativity.  And remember the more of us that do this, the stronger those mists grow in 6D and the closer we come to living on a spiritually awakened/ spiritually connected planet.

I will hold you all in my heart today as I hold our Mother Earth. 

No funny tag-line on this one.  Rather I'll share the lyrics to a song my husband wrote and wooed me with 32 years ago.  If only we had listened then.

Well I'd go to sleep at dusk
And I'd get up at dawn,
If it would only keep you from turning that nuclear power plant on.
I don't need a stereo, don't need no TV. 
Don't need no atom making electricity for me.

Nuclear radiation, atomic mutation,
It's in our air, Its in our bones.
Not going to be like those dust bowl days,
Gonna be a radiation haze
Getting on you and me...."  

The alarm is going off, time to wake on up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Judith, thank you! This is so true! It's way past time to wake up; yet everything is perfect... Holding the earth in my heart. Spacious & vast. Breathing in fear, breathing out love.
