Monday, December 20, 2010

6D is really ideal: Just ask Plato.

When I was 18 and reading Plato in Philosophy 101, his world of forms made little sense to me.  Suddenly, decades later, I had an Aha!  Of course.  Plato saw that everything on our planet existed in some perfected energetic pattern in another dimension.  Humans have known about this for millenniums.

When I began to study multi-dimensionality, suddenly the idea of sacred geometry (which I knew was part of 6D) became demystified for me and again, I revisited the idea of Plato's world of forms and realized it corresponds perfectly to what we know about the 6th dimension. 

All that exists in our 3D reality resides in 6D in its pure state.  [6-D geometric form are created from waves spinning out of Galactic Center (9D), moving through light (8D) and sound(7D) ... but that will be left for another day.] All material forms in 3D originate from 6D geometric patterns.   In 6D, your 3D dog has it "dogness" ideal which gets replicated as dogs on our planet.   Your favorite ficus plant has it "ficus-ness" ideal which get replicated as ficus plants on our planet.  And of course, our individualized soul ideal... our ka, which is our perfected energetic blue-print, also comes from 6-D and manifests through our 3D material body.

Plato went beyond what we think of as material manifestation though... he saw that qualities were idealized as well: love, compassion, justice -- all human qualities have their energetic "form" in 6D.  This makes sense when we stay aware that everything we believe to be material...this computer I'm typing on, the table it is sitting on, the clock that tells me I better finish this and get ready for my daily walk, is just made up of energy.  The smallest particle of matter is not a particle at all, it's a particle/wave continuously changing on its own spin from one form to the other.  What we call matter is simply energy vibrating at a slower frequency to produce something that looks and feels solid to us. 

Everything has frequency whether it's my computer or the love I'm feeling in my heart.  It's just that emotional and cognitive qualities vibrate faster than my keyboard and my desk.

You might want to ponder this as you go through your daily life.  Imagine the 6D pattern behind everything you see and feel.  Imagine this when you are riding around in your ka, (there I go again) and you just might find youreself living in a slightly different and more ideal world.

Happy Solstice... may joy and transformation infuse all that you are and all that you do.

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