Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh No! Not Bliss again!

I'm still fired up about the idea that being 5th dimensional is our natural state.  This truth is lodged in my cells and feels as palpable to me as the blood flowing through my veins.  I think when this awareness truly sinks in for us, we can no longer go about living the life we have been living, worrying about the things we have been worrying about.

Or can we?  Or do I?

My experience is that the seesaw effect is still going on.  Our minds are programmed in 3D, as are our survival beliefs, so we don't let go of all of that easily.  My life flows better and better the more I awaken and since I started awakening fairly early in this incarnation, I've had 3-1/2 decades of amazing ease.  But that doesn't mean I still don't get caught or stuck in polarity on occasion.  It is frustrating and confusing, but perhaps an important part of the process.  (Hmmm is that one of those archaic, dysfunctional 3D beliefs like "if it's not hard it doesn't count?"  Didn't I write a whole chapter about how to identify and shift those beliefs in my book Empowering the Spirit?)

And then there's all the collective resistance to this bliss stuff, to getting back to the Paradise frequency that takes us out of struggle and well, into bliss.  I just saw some information that we are going from the Electronic Information Age, to the Creator Age, which is just another way of saying what we've all heard in a million other ways:  "thoughts create"  "we create our reality."  Science is even able to back this up now.  So really, what is the problem?  Why not just take a deep breath, release the old beliefs and pain and let Ascension happen?

I believe it comes down to the phrase I intend to start my workshop next week off with: "What humans are most attached to is our suffering."  It's a quote (or paraphrase) from G. I. Gurdjiieff, that odd Russian metaphysical philosopher who wrote the book "Meetings with Remarkable Men" back in the early 60's (and who I think included a woman, but in looking at the table of contents on Amazon, I don't see this.)  I read this book close to 40 years ago, so it is difficult to say what my memory has extracted that is literal vs what is symbolic, but this phrase has never left me, and the wisdom of it appears to strengthen the more I develop.

One of the ways we stay stuck in suffering is through a somewhat popular misconception that if we believe we can reach a state of ongoing Bliss, we not honoring our humanness and are likely to be light-polarized and trying to by-pass our emotional wounding.   By light-polarized, I mean we have a fear or inability to see and own our shadow and the collective Shadow.  But it is misconceptions like that keeps us locked in suffering.  Of course we need to own and integrate the Shadow... that's an essential part of the Ascension process because you can't navigate through 4D without doing this.  And you can't make it through 4D if you are in denial or in reactivity to old emotional wounding.  But once you have done enough emotional healing and integration of the shadow, you can move through 4D... then kazaam -- there is no polarity and therefore no shadow. Light and Dark in whatever form they exist in 5D are just different reflections of the same substance we call God.  Now c'mon brother/sister Earthlings, we've all been working at owning and integrating our shadow and healing our emotional wounds.  Let's just breath deeply and Ascend.

Then there is the argument that arises:  how can we see all the suffering on our 3D Earth and not do something about it?  Now my mind thinks this is a good question.  I think the answer though depends on which assemblage point we look out from.  From our 3D perspective, we must engage in activities to confront the issues directly.  That would be fine if they worked.  I'm concerned about polluting the planet, so I recycle and use cloth bags and napkins, generate some electricity through our solar panels and try to minimize my use of gasoline and buy only necessary goods, that kind of thing.  But the reality is that my efforts, even if everyone else got on board, will not save us from global warming and the devastation of climate change.  Maybe if humans had caught on in the 60's when we first tried to warn them, but at this point, it is highly unlikely we are going to change the 3D devastation.  Still, when I operate out of 3D, my ego can feel good that I'm doing something it deems positive.  And in this 3D consciousness, I can worry about all of the floods and droughts and storms and feel very concerned indeed, and my ego can laud me for being a "good person."

But if I look out of my 5D eyes, I see that we are beyond 3D solutions.  And I see the frequency of the planet and of many of us on the planet, is changing.  I'm not going to stop my environmental stewardship, but the most effective thing I can do to really help humanity is to consistently plug in the "love frequency."  (Which still doesn't give me a right to trash our beautiful planet but not because I'm going to save our 3D world, only because to honor the planet is to live in a loving way.)

As we ascend onto the New Earth, does all the devastation magically disappear?  Now what was that again?  Oh yeah, "Thoughts create."  But there are time when my thoughts get nervous trying to create this. You know all those years we all heard about what silly idealists we were, and that at some point we would have to "grow up" and face reality.  Oh wait, they taught us there was only one reality.  Now why in the Universe would I believe anything like this when I know it is NOT TRUE?  Why don't I just take a few deep centering breaths and ...  Ascend!

We really can return to the Garden.  We really can experience reality from a place of love and grace and well-being.  We can heal our wounds and reclaim our planet and stop wars and abuse and keep our hearts consistently and magnificently open if only we empower those visions and quiet our very insane 3-D minds.

So altogether now:  BREATHE DEEPLY, and once more, BREATHE REALLY DEEPLY, and yet another time, take that deep centering BREATH and at the count of 3 or 300 or 3000.... ASCEND!

And voila!   Here we are in (that darn) BLISS AGAIN!

Catch you in our 5D garden, dear Brother and Sister Earthlings and we are having an amazing good time!

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There's still time to register for my workshop Taking the Next Evolutionary Step:  A Multidimensional Journey to Shift Your Assemblage Point and Your Life.  (flyer below)

Email me at for a larger flyer.

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