You may want to refer to the rather primitive chart below: This was an adaptation I made from Barbara Hand Clow's 9D Vertical Axis, and it is at the heart of living our multi-dimensional potential. This chart is really a picture of each of us in 9D. As you might remember from my post "Life as a Tuning Fork," I explained how the gravitational spin out from the density of 1D (1st dimension) which is in the core of the Earth, and the very high-frequency gravitational force of 9D (ninth dimension) which is the black hole in galactic center, located at the center of the Milky Way, activate each other to create all the dimensions which exist in between. This is an interactive, electro-magnetic process: 1D informs 2D and on up the axis: 9D informs 8D and so on down the axis. And all the dimensions inform each other as well
The most important piece to keep in mind, is that we are capable of embodying all 9-dimensions in our 3D selves. This means we can stay in human form and extend our consciousness all the way up to Galactic Center and Divine Mind, and all the way down to the intelligences of the elements and our Earth's core. This allows us to operate as the conscious beings that we all can be. As more and more of us are able to hold these energies or frequencies, the conscioiuness on the Earth shifts. We are capable of ridding ourselves and our planet of war, pollution, hunger, injustice, cruelty, hatred and anything else that propagates suffering and destruction.
Thus the dimensions in the diagram below not only exist in time and space, they exist within us as well. Sadly, we have been deeply conditioned to ignore this, and to leave these potent gifts to lie dormant. There have been millenniums of cultural collective beliefs aimed at keeping us shut-down. Now, we have the privilege of living in an age where we can break through and awaken to our highest potential. There is an interesting astronomical correspondence. Scientists are finding high intensity gamma rays which have been bombarding our planet since the 1990's, and which Hand Clow sees as helping us break through those old, inaccurate beliefs about ourselves. This is allowing us, en masse, to open up our consciousness and this collective awakening includes activating our 9D potential.
Back to the chart: (and don't be concerned if it all doesn't compute just yet... this is very complex material) -- The waves of intelligence that spin out of the 9th dimension go down one octave, to create very high frequency light in the 8th dimension. This corresponds to what we would call Divine Mind or Divine Order. We cannot really conceptualize the 8th dimension, we can only experience it. Things like watching synchronicities and/or noticing when your prayers have been answered in your daily life, connect you up to 8D. The light from 8D then spins down another octave into the 7th Dimension: the dimension of sound. "In the beginning there was the word..."
Remember that each dimension holds a electro-magnetic frequency where it vibrates at a certain speed. 7D sound, when slowed down an octave, creates 6D geometric patterns of light. (Those of you familiar with the water crystal study will have a better understanding of how this works.) I've written a lot in this blog about 6D (see my 12/20 post: "6D really is ideal, just ask Plato" ), as it both fascinates me and has really been speaking to me these days... I feel as if I really understand it. 6D is Plato's world of forms. Everything that we know of or conceive of, all objects and all qualities, exist in geometric light forms in 6D. The human ka originates in 6D. Morphic fields created in 6D (energy fields which hold these geometric form) also contain mists made up of what we think of as human qualities -- remember my blog about love-mists and war-mists? (12/29 post: "The mists of 6D, where our thoughts really go.")
Everything in 6D gets directly replicated in 3D. (3 octaves lower.) But the two dimensions in between 6D and 3D are keys in terms of what quality of reality we create in 3D. If we are not open to the love that is coming through from 5D and we are unable to neutralize the duality of 4D, then 3D replicates a lot of what I'd call "ungodly" qualities: the pain, cruelty, suffering and destruction we are witnessing on our planet.
Hand Clow says "5D is the realm of light that centers in the human heart and is resonant with Earth's biological creatures and plants... the light's vibrational frequency is called samadhi -- the realizable human experience of communion
with the Divine." One of the things that delighted and astounded me was finding out that the heart meditation that I thought I created and used in my workshops for the last 10 years or so was simultaneously being taught by numerous other teachers and was almost identical, even though we were all doing this intuitively. All over the planet, people are learning to open their hearts in a way that simply was not done even a few decades ago. This is 5D and we are embodying it!
4D is more complicated. What happens is that when the light from the higher dimensions comes to the 4th dimension, it splits into positive and negative qualities. The 4th dimension holds all of the archetypes that we have on the planet. In my opinion, it corresponds to Carolyn Myss's 8th chakra. So we have all the mythic Gods and Goddesses, devils and demons in the 4D field. As humans, we have the capacity to integrate these qualities, because of course, they all exist within us... to essentially neutralize the light and dark energies so that they don't have to keep acting out their dramas in 3D. The cultural beliefs I spoke of above, have kept us from bringing about a planetary shift, but I do believe now is the time.
The second dimension exists below the Earth's crust, but also within us. It is made up of all the elements (remember that chart from middle school science) and holds the intelligence from the rocks and crystals and metals. Since our physical bodies are made up of these elements, we can see how 2D creates in 3D.
The first dimension is simple. It is the deep, dense, iron core of the planet that emits an energy to create gravity. Without this gravity there would be nothing to activate the 9th dimensional spin that creates 2D-8D. As we open our consciousness to the high frequency waves of Galactic Center, we better darn well be "grounded" by sending our roots into the crystal iron core of the Earth. Otherwise, whoosh, we are likely to topple. So it is 1D that creates our sense of stability. (Did 9D create 1D? Let me know if you figure that out.)
Okay, that's a whole lot to embody, but hey, it's calorie-free.