Sunday, December 14, 2014

Greetings Brother and Sister Earthlings.

It seems like eons since I published a post on this blog, although in looking at my last posting date I see it's only been a year and a half.  No doubt, as is probably happening for you as well, my consciousness is living on several timelines at once because yesterday rarely feels like a mere 24 hours ago, while the time it takes to go from morning to evening seems to rush by at warp speed. Is it really those timelines? Or has my sense of linear time been sneaking off and smoking weed?

Thinking about gratitude this past Thanksgiving, one of things that popped up for me, besides all the blessings I have in my personal life, is being grateful that I know that 3D is just a small part of reality.  Thus I'm usually able to see the insanity that appears to be bubbling up everywhere around us as just a drop of experience in the ocean of consciousness which allows me to stay hopeful and somewhat inspired. But, despite all intention to the contrary, I've been growing more and more concerned about the state of 3D on our planet, be it just a small portion of reality or not.

I've decided it's time once again to put 'digital pen' to 'digital paper' and enter into the world of blogging because I'm now feeling compelled to connect with you about this.  I look out my window and marvel at the beauty I find hourly up in the magical Smoky mountains of North Carolina, but even without TV and being surrounded by mass consciousness, I know that my peaceful surroundings are a phenomenon that's becoming rare these days for many, and the fear and chaos in the energy field of our globe reaches all beings, conscious or otherwise.

At this point I admit to wondering whatever happened to the opportunity I thought we had to jump onto the 5D timeline and bypass all this insanity?  (Loyal readers of this blog will know what I'm alluding to here.)  I've always been an optimist, even a Pollyanna to some... but that part of my personality seems to be going underground for a while.  One more incidence of racist police brutality, whether motivated by fear or hatred or both;  one more insane piece of legislation that protects discrimination in the name of religious freedom;  one more bill designed to protect the rich and disempower the poor and the middle-class; one more war; one more act of brutality against women, one more act of brutality against anyone... and I begin to wonder if that sacred purpose I thought I had when I jumped onto the Earth 68 years ago, (since I was a breech baby, I suppose I wasn't jumping but actually wanting to head back from where I came) believing that my generation and those who came after would join together to usher in a Golden Age...was some sort of grand illusion I've allowed to guide my life.

Are we too late?  Too early?  Is it time to just give 3D over to the crazies who've been running it for Millenniums and who seem to become more and more insane and out of control with each passing day?  OR is this still hope?  Can we still ascend in consciousness and frequency while  staying in our bodies and bring love, harmony, peace and consciousness to all?  Can we still en masse become 5D beings that shift 3D for all who long for a better experience?

Part of the dent in my optimism wasn't just from my husband's often daily report of what's going on in the news he's reading off the internet, but from a brief comment my oldest daughter made in a phone conversation.  We were speaking of a young man we love going into the military and of course saying that we hoped he will stay out of harm's way, I said something about its always a concern until we no longer have war on the planet.  My eldest, hippie child that she was, artist, visionary, daughter of conscious parents, lover of the Celestine Prophesies when she was 16 and again at 34, said "Well, that's not going to happen."

Say what!!!  If my ears could cry they would have.  My daughter's consciousness has been infiltrated, and if hers has, what hope is there really?  Because I'm her mom, she would not be interested in my discourse on how those thoughts feed the 'war mist' of 6D, which then get replicated here.  But I suspect my readers will be.

Now more than ever, we need to see Peace.  We need to find the Peace within.  We need to see Planet Earth teeming with Peace, and teeming with loving, conscious people who truly know that to hurt another, or exploit another in any way, is to harm oneself and to harm all sentient (and probably non-sentient) beings.  Now more than ever, we need to remember that our thoughts, conscious or unconscious, truly do create 3D reality.  They thicken their particular mist in 6D where the power to replicate 'reality' here on 3D Earth lies.  Now more than ever, we need to feed the mists of peace, and the mists of love, and the mists of Unity Consciousness.

So brother/sister Earthlings, forgive my rant, but I truly deeply love this planet and know that there are huge numbers of us out there who really can bring about the change we are seeking.  And so I end with an adaptation of some Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young lyrics that I'm singing to myself as well as to all of you.

"Don't let them get you down, it's only castles burning, just find someone who's turning, and it will come around...."

May peace prevail... I love you all.

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