Greetings Brother and Sister Earthlings,
It feels like years since I've written here -- but of course it has only been two or so weeks. My cognitive mind cannot grasp that fact, and perhaps that is what is meant by the phrase the end of time. The old sign-posts or "time posts" if you will, no longer seem to anchor anything in my life. I still have an appointment book and thus I still have appointments, but something profound has seemed to have shifted in my psyche and perhaps it really is an aftermath of both the 10/28/11 and 11/11/11portals.
A bit of a personal recap before I go deeper into a multidimensional perspective on this. My husband and I spent a few days in Asheville at the beginning of the month both because a dear friend of ours, Thea Summer Deer, was having a book-signing for her wonderful new book: "THE WISDOM OF THE PLANET DEVAS: Herbal Medicine for a New Earth" and because we had a free extra night at our favorite hotel. Getting away from home, even though we were less than an hour geographically, and immersing ourselves in the wonderful culture and cuisine of Asheville, helped me realize that I really needed a break. That while I work for myself and create my own time-tables (there's that interesting conceptual word again), I was working too much... pushing too hard. I returned feeling refreshed. And immediately dove into preparing a teaching that I was offering on multidimensionality, the next day.
That next morning I moseyed down the hill to the Venus Rising Sanctuary which is just a stone's throw from my door and in the Isis Cove community where I live. Linda Star Wolf had asked me to teach a small segment on using our multidimensional nature for our emotional and spiritual healing, to the students at a month-long training sponsored by Venus Rising Institute for the Shamanic Arts. As I breathed in the beautiful mountain air on this sunny, crisp Fall day, my heart was soaring. First of all, I love that I can just walk to where I'm going to teach -- to me that represents a perfect life. And second, well perhaps not in that order, I was so happy to be able to teach multidimensionality to this evolved group of people, and third, still not in that order, I was excited because I had added a new element to the teaching: and while it is a complex theory, I found a way to do this that was simple and accessible.
The teaching went perfectly. It was a large group, but not so large that I couldn't connect with everyone on a personal level. I introduced the idea that now in our evolution we are not just able to live in the Above and the Below simultaneously (a key point in my earlier talks and workshops,) but we are able to live in the Before and the Beyond as well. I see this visually. The Above and Below are about our ability to hold the frequencies of the 9 dimensional vertical axis: 1D, of course, being the Earth's iron crystal core and 9D, Galactic Center. So one might see a vertical line going from way below one's feet and extending way above one's head. And then the axis for the Before and Beyond being horizontal... the Before extending in a straight line from the center of our heart chakra out our back, and through the time lines that our souls experience as "past." In that time line, our inner teenager, our inner children, and the energy of all our past lives stretch out behind us. And then the Beyond is the part of that line that extends forward from our heart and holds all of our future potentiality or our imaginal cells as Star Wolf writes in her latest book, VISIONARY SHAMANISM.
All 4 segments if you will, meet at a point in the center of our hearts. And it is here that we access the Now. It is here that time stops and simultaneously contains all we ever were, all we ever will be, AND all 9 dimensions of our nature. It is here that we meet our inner child and inner teenager and call on a wise and loving part of ourselves from that timeline to nurture and re-raise these parts of ourselves. And it is at this point, the perfect balance of the fulcrum of all our parts, that we live in a state of grace and ease.
Nice huh? I was euphoric. And then within two days, I became very ill. Symptom-wise the flu I came down with was almost identical to the flu I had last year at this time, and it was going through that illness in 2010 that ultimately gave rise to this blog. Just like last year, this year's flu hit me just when I was shifting my energetic frequency -- making another leap up the evolutionary spiral so to speak.
Being sick allowed me another 3 work-free days, and then voila... it was 11/11/11. I was finally feeling well enough that I could attend a women's spirituality group for a few hours late morning, rest in the afternoon and attend a larger community gathering in the evening, where we were doing a ritual for this very special portal. I had been asked to call in the Above as part of calling in the directions at the beginning of the ritual. I have not had much exposure to Native American teachings although I feel great reverence for them. Still I have never been very comfortable calling in the Earthly directions, but the ABOVE, now there was a place that I could relate to. Still, I still was not back to full health or energy. While I had pondered how I wanted to call in the ABOVE, I hadn't written anything down or in any way practiced what I would say. As we began, I realized this was not true for some of the others: they were sounding mighty polished in their presentation. I asked my ego to calm down and step back and just let whatever was supposed to occur, occur. As I stepped forward, a powerful force took me over. Perhaps the orator of my BEFORE or a voice from my BEYOND... whoever it was swept me away and I had to make it an act of will to stop speaking, as I felt that I had called in the ABOVE as effectively as I could and there was no need to continue. I could palpably feel the power that had surged through me.
This is new territory for me. I know that I am a gifted teacher and I know that I have done a reasonably good job of quieting both my mind and my ego in my day to day life; more often than not, my Spirit is in charge. But the sense of Presence that came through me that evening could only have come from my multidimensional energies being fully aligned, right there at the center of my heart chakra, the fulcrum of the Above/the Below/the Before/the Beyond in perfect balance.
And so as I began this blog yesterday, feeling much better physically and letting inspiration flow through me, I realized that I had been living several days in that wonderful state of well-being and contentment that arises from being in the Now. But that was yesterday....(there's that time thing again.)
Got cranky last night. I'm grateful it didn't last long. But my 3D human is still living my life with me and she's not always flowing with the new "rules." That's why we have been born with a sense of humor.
So I'm back. Hope this finds all of you in good Spirits. And if I don't blog again before Thanksgiving, enjoy your turkey or tofurky or whatever quirky variation of tradition you like to bring forth. It's a whole new day.