Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Present-ing Our Past and Future Selves.

Greetings Again Brother/Sister Earthlings,

I've pondered many things to blog in the last month, but between the business of the holidays and the business of my life (which I think is a lot less busy than most), the time has not offered itself.  However, today I find myself with a delicious space of time and having just returned from an amazing Yoga class, felt my Spirit leading me to this post...so we will see what happens.

I'm in the midst of an interesting multidimensional challenge.  While I usually write about the vertical axis of our multidimensionality, which holds the frequencies and intelligences that span from the 1st dimension to the 9th (from the iron crystal core of the Earth to Gallatic Center), there is also what I call the horizontal axis.  This is the axis where everything our soul has ever experienced resides, so it includes what we generally refer to as past and future lifetimes as well as parallel lives.  I visualize the 'past' as a line spanning from our core out our back and extending as far 'back' as we go.  And the 'future' as a line extending frontwards from our core.  Yes, in the higher dimensions, all time-lines exist simultaneously, but for us in 3D, we still have the concept of past and future.

Several decades ago, actually since I published my first book, Journey to Wholeness: A Guide to Inner Healing, I uncovered a 'past' life experience that was beginning to show up in this lifetime as fear of speaking in front of audiences.  Up until that point, it was always easy for me to give workshops and teach classes.  No stress about preparation or presentation... it all flowed easily.  But that began to shift when I published Journey.  I noticed it first when I was asked to do a keynote presentation at a local Holistic conference, and soon after at a book signing at our local Barnes & Noble.  I started to feel really anxious as I was putting both presentations together.  Once I started speaking, I was fine, but this anxiousness even began to spread to a psychology class I was teaching at a community college.  I had been teaching for years with no problem, now I would have to take several deep centering breaths before leaving my car and walking into the classroom in order to calm down this anxiousness that was threatening to take me over.

Since clearly the anxiety was not based on anything rational, (I always do a great job once I'm teaching,) and it was not not historical, (nothing from my childhood, I was in my mid-40's by the time it started,) I intuited that this was an other-life-time fear.  So as all good seekers on Planet Earth who are dealing with this kind of thing, I had both a channeling and a past regression done by a gifted intuitive, and adding that experience to my own awareness, I began to uncover a lifetime where I was teaching the kind of spiritual development I do these days in my present life, only I was teaching from my yard where all the folks around would come to hear me.  The government that was just coming into power at the time was not fond of the point of view I was expressing, but seemed to tolerate me.  Or so I thought.  Until they burst into my home in the middle of the night, my husband gone for a few days, and my 3 young children left in my sole care, and ripped me away, throwing me into a dungeon and executing me the next day.  (Okay so maybe you think I have a fabulous imagination, but what convinces me of this truth whether all the details are accurate or not, is the feeling I get in my body when I think of this.)

Anyway, what ensued was not a pretty scene. I'm pretty sure I was hung, all the while being frantic that my young children were left unattended, alone and terrified, and being powerless to help them. I've done a lot of work over the years trying to heal that lifetime, but somehow it keeps popping up.  OR, are there simply other ones that have the same ending?  Just a month or so ago, I had a reading and was told that I was stoned to death (and not the fun kind of stoned.)  I was also told that there were energy blocks in my work, and realized that I was creating those blocks to keep my work (my courses, my books, my teaching) from getting large enough that I could begin to feel the old danger was lurking, and therefore become anxious.

So, once again, I began to look inward in order to observe this horizontal axis and the multidimensional parts of myself that were still in play.  And somewhat to my surprise, which some might think is because I'm pretty dense in some areas, I uncovered a part that still lives in total terror.  The thing about working with these parts of ourselves is that they often can stay well-hidden, in the shadows of our consciousness.  For instance, I'm a pretty calm person that rarely feels afraid or endangered.  I feel safe in my life and my world. EXCEPT apparently not all of me is truly on board with that.  When I found this inner part, and could momentarily feel her abject terror, while I was still able to hold some calm and centeredness (since I knew the threat was not something that would hurt my body or myself in the present), ...I started to comfort her, and to call on all my higher dimensional selves to comfort her as well.  I have to admit, she's not necessarily open to it.  The intensity of her terror is daunting.  But I've been consistent and I'm hopeful this will get healed and when it does it will impact all the timelines on this horizontal axis of my being.

Hmmm... a thought just came to me that seems worthy of sharing.  On this timeline, in a future life, this part is fully healed; this whole experience is over, resolved, no longer impacting any part of my soul.  So if I can tune into that future-self, well, then the healing is complete.

In my vivid imagination, I can see that future self waving back at me.  She's radiant with love.  Her look is one of compassion and amusement as she continues down the Path of her life.  I can almost feel her warmth as she recedes from my vision.  Interesting that I never thought before to call on her.  And so I'll add that to this healing protocol and see what happens.

So dear fellow Earthlings, perhaps there are multidimensional parts of your own soul that are affecting you in ways you haven't realized.  Perhaps in your quest for higher consciousness, for a more balanced life, for operating out of your full spiritual potential, these parts have remained hidden in the farthest reaches of your psyche.  And perhaps my story might coincide in some way with your story, and my healing journey might inspire something that will activate your own.

Remember, we are all part of this amazing interconnected web of consciousness, when one of us heals, we all heal.  And so we can hold this as hope for our planet...

No song lyrics are coming to me today, but maybe ones will arise for you, and I'll end up singing them soon...

Wishing you all love, blessings and a easy ride on your multidimensional journey.
If you like my writing, you might want to order my book, Empowering the Spirit (click link below).  If you are curious about my offerings, there's more information if you scroll down.

To order EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT: A Process to Activate Your Soul Potential
from Amazon.com,  click the title
Paperback is on sale for $13.37 and kindle edition is $2.99

(Please read below if you are curious about my offerings.)

The next round of my online course to activate your soul's potential begins again on April 26nd, with the Free Preview Teleconference on Sunday, April 19th, 2015 at noon EDT.

This course is designed to help you unleash your full soul potential, to step more fully into both your authentic self and your sacred purpose, and to activate your co-creative abilities in a way
that not only transforms your life, but life on our planet.

This course works best for people who connect with Spirit through guided meditation, who love to journal, who are self-directed and can set a time once or twice a week for this process. If this describes you, this course will bring you great results. Cost for course:  $75
       www.empoweringthespirit.com/OL or email me at healingconcepts@hotmail.com

July 11th - July 18th:  Goddess Camp 2015:  A Retreat for the Feminine Soul

Star Wolf, Anyaa McAndrew and Judith Corvin-Blackburn bring you an amazing opportunity to renew your Spirit and reconnect with your essential self.   These 3 seasoned spiritual facilitators, each with their own unique sacred work, are coming together for the first time to engage you, excite you, enlighten you and empower you.
Place:  Isis Cove Retreat Center in the magical Blue Ridge Mountains, Whittier, NC  (Asheville, NC area)   Click link below for more information
Goddess Camp 2015

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Greetings Brother and Sister Earthlings.

It seems like eons since I published a post on this blog, although in looking at my last posting date I see it's only been a year and a half.  No doubt, as is probably happening for you as well, my consciousness is living on several timelines at once because yesterday rarely feels like a mere 24 hours ago, while the time it takes to go from morning to evening seems to rush by at warp speed. Is it really those timelines? Or has my sense of linear time been sneaking off and smoking weed?

Thinking about gratitude this past Thanksgiving, one of things that popped up for me, besides all the blessings I have in my personal life, is being grateful that I know that 3D is just a small part of reality.  Thus I'm usually able to see the insanity that appears to be bubbling up everywhere around us as just a drop of experience in the ocean of consciousness which allows me to stay hopeful and somewhat inspired. But, despite all intention to the contrary, I've been growing more and more concerned about the state of 3D on our planet, be it just a small portion of reality or not.

I've decided it's time once again to put 'digital pen' to 'digital paper' and enter into the world of blogging because I'm now feeling compelled to connect with you about this.  I look out my window and marvel at the beauty I find hourly up in the magical Smoky mountains of North Carolina, but even without TV and being surrounded by mass consciousness, I know that my peaceful surroundings are a phenomenon that's becoming rare these days for many, and the fear and chaos in the energy field of our globe reaches all beings, conscious or otherwise.

At this point I admit to wondering whatever happened to the opportunity I thought we had to jump onto the 5D timeline and bypass all this insanity?  (Loyal readers of this blog will know what I'm alluding to here.)  I've always been an optimist, even a Pollyanna to some... but that part of my personality seems to be going underground for a while.  One more incidence of racist police brutality, whether motivated by fear or hatred or both;  one more insane piece of legislation that protects discrimination in the name of religious freedom;  one more bill designed to protect the rich and disempower the poor and the middle-class; one more war; one more act of brutality against women, one more act of brutality against anyone... and I begin to wonder if that sacred purpose I thought I had when I jumped onto the Earth 68 years ago, (since I was a breech baby, I suppose I wasn't jumping but actually wanting to head back from where I came) believing that my generation and those who came after would join together to usher in a Golden Age...was some sort of grand illusion I've allowed to guide my life.

Are we too late?  Too early?  Is it time to just give 3D over to the crazies who've been running it for Millenniums and who seem to become more and more insane and out of control with each passing day?  OR is this still hope?  Can we still ascend in consciousness and frequency while  staying in our bodies and bring love, harmony, peace and consciousness to all?  Can we still en masse become 5D beings that shift 3D for all who long for a better experience?

Part of the dent in my optimism wasn't just from my husband's often daily report of what's going on in the news he's reading off the internet, but from a brief comment my oldest daughter made in a phone conversation.  We were speaking of a young man we love going into the military and of course saying that we hoped he will stay out of harm's way, I said something about its always a concern until we no longer have war on the planet.  My eldest, hippie child that she was, artist, visionary, daughter of conscious parents, lover of the Celestine Prophesies when she was 16 and again at 34, said "Well, that's not going to happen."

Say what!!!  If my ears could cry they would have.  My daughter's consciousness has been infiltrated, and if hers has, what hope is there really?  Because I'm her mom, she would not be interested in my discourse on how those thoughts feed the 'war mist' of 6D, which then get replicated here.  But I suspect my readers will be.

Now more than ever, we need to see Peace.  We need to find the Peace within.  We need to see Planet Earth teeming with Peace, and teeming with loving, conscious people who truly know that to hurt another, or exploit another in any way, is to harm oneself and to harm all sentient (and probably non-sentient) beings.  Now more than ever, we need to remember that our thoughts, conscious or unconscious, truly do create 3D reality.  They thicken their particular mist in 6D where the power to replicate 'reality' here on 3D Earth lies.  Now more than ever, we need to feed the mists of peace, and the mists of love, and the mists of Unity Consciousness.

So brother/sister Earthlings, forgive my rant, but I truly deeply love this planet and know that there are huge numbers of us out there who really can bring about the change we are seeking.  And so I end with an adaptation of some Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young lyrics that I'm singing to myself as well as to all of you.

"Don't let them get you down, it's only castles burning, just find someone who's turning, and it will come around...."

May peace prevail... I love you all.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Joy and Bliss enter with the Divine

To see my latest blog post, please click on

(or cut and paste unto your browser if the link isn't working.)

Blessings to you all.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

And Yet Another Portal Opens, Bringing Some Soul-Searching Questions

On 11/11 (at 11:11), I attended a pipe ceremony led by Ruby Falconer up on the deck of our Spirit Temple in the Isis Cove community where I live.  We carried the intent to activate yet a deeper level of awakening for our planet.  Ruby has been carrying this Blue Star pipe since the 11/11/11 portal and as she spoke of this anniversary, she also pointed out that 11/11/2011 was an "8" day, and this year, 11/11/2012 falls on a "9" day, the number of completion.  That immediately resonated with me.

I began connecting to the 11:11 consciousness at the Harmonic Convergence held in August of 1987.  The Harmonic Convergence was the first synchronized meditation to collectively welcome a new awakening for planet Earth and thus was the first large portal to bring in the multidimensional consciousness which supports this next evolutionary step for us Earthlings and prepares us for 12/21/12. (I'm sure you've noticed, this is right around the corner.)

That was 25 years ago.  My children were little, my youngest not even a year old.  My husband and I put together a make-shift ceremony for our family at dusk, creating a circle in our yard and sending out prayers for Mother Earth.  At one point, my 4-year-old daughter ran into the family room and returned with a large toy ball decorated with a map of the planet which she was placed in the center of our circle, intuitively helping to create the new "awakened" energy grid which should fully surround our planet by Winter Solstice of this year.

Now, we have arrived at this latest and perhaps last transformative 11:11 portal.  It is the largest thus far, since each successive portal since the Convergence expands exponentially in terms of the amount of higher consciousness it ushers in.  We still have the 12/12 portal and 12/21 portal this year, which interestingly are both "11" days, but the vibration for the 11:11 is completing.  Now we will be called on to integrate all of the awareness we have experienced in the last 25 years and help all beings who wish to, step into the frequency that corresponds to our ascension into the 5D consciousness of New Earth.

I got pretty excited when I thought about that.  While yes, we are still stuck in aspects of 3D polarity, 25 years ago we didn't even understand what we were stuck in. There has been progress. And as Ruby pointed out to me later, 12/12/12 and 12/21/12 are a series of 1 + 2 which of course equals 3.  This represents the "resolution of duality, the third thing."  And the only place we can go with this resolution is out of "polarity" consciousness and into the Unity consciousness of 5D.

A few days ago, while still in this 11:11 window,  John Horneker came to the Cove to speak about Ascension and the New Earth to a group of us at Anyaa McAndrew's Full Moon Sanctuary.  John and I have had a fair number of conversations on this topic, but when I sat in a group listening to him, something connected for me in a new way.

What became most significant was the idea that we really do have to “choose” whether we are willing to release all known attachments if we are going to ride this Ascension wave, at least the early ones. (There may be several waves.) John’s belief is that when we ascend into 5D, we have a whole new planet, whole new structures.  He did say we would be creating with visualization, so ha, I could just create my house for example.  But not likely I could create say, all those great restaurants in nearby Asheville. So clearly, I've been pondering just what my attachments are.  And what it may mean to me if 3D no longer exists on our planet.

I don’t know if it’s my denial or if I’m tuning in differently, but I don’t think the outer change will be that drastic. I see a gradual outer change based on our frequency change (we all agree that ascension is a frequency chage.)  BUT, for instance, how can one keep having our energy company in 5D?  Our banks in 5D?  Our hospitals in 5D?  And why would we want to?  How about this new edition of my Empowering the Spirit book I’m hoping to release in the next month or so?  Why should I bother?  (Well I suppose if there are waves of ascension, then there is a good reason for getting the book out in that form to help others along.)  What about our social security checks and my husband's pension check which allows me the luxury of sitting here writing this blog.  That seems to make no sense in 5D.

This all brings me to main attachment:  my comfortable life.  Unlike many on the planet, I’m content. I’m living the life I want.  Am I ready to wake up in a whole new reality?  Am I ready to have that world based on peace and love that we’ve been putting out to the Universe all these years?  

I feel I’m being called to a deeper level of soul searching here, and perhaps you are too.  On one hand, sure, “bring it on.”  I’ll adjust.  And maybe adjusting in 5D is much easier than adjusting in 3D.  I know that what really brings joy is connecting with our Oneness; connecting with unconditional love.  So it’s a no brainer.  BUT I still have an ego structure.  Will it step in and interfere?  Does it need more preparation? Will it say “hell no, I’m not going to go?  I can’t give up all those yummy restaurants and sipping wine and going to the playground with my grandson and my beautiful mountain home and maybe even my husband.  And what about my kids… are they all on board the 5D train?"

So these are the questions that arise for me as I drop into the energy this latest 11:11 portal.  My Spirit longs for moving ever-closer to Source, while my ego still holds its old agenda. Perhaps the resolution will be spontaneous as we move through the 12/12 and 12/21 portals.  Perhaps my ego will gently go into surrender because the Call for my Spirit is so intense.  That will be lovely.  But just in case, Sister and Brother Earthlings, you might want to ponder what attachments still remain in your life.  And remember, just beam them unconditional love and enjoy the ride.  

Wishing you all a yummy and love-filled Thanksgiving.  
(hmmm... will we still be eating in 5D?  Oh please don't make me give up food....)

Monday, October 29, 2012

"Dress up" in your Light Body for Halloween

Today's blog is about our Light Body and how to keep it buzzing.  This is not to be confused with Buzz Lightyear, the superhero action figure from Toy Story, who my 3-year old grandson is dressing up as for Halloween.  As Bodhi clearly explains, Buzz Lightyear's mantra is "To Infinity and Beyond!"  (It's rather important to spread both arms out wide when stating this.)  Now that I think about it, that's pretty similar to the capability of our Light Bodies:  "To 5D and Beyond!"   Not quite as grand as Infinity perhaps, but more descriptive of our current journey.

When I first began to teach and write about our multidimensional potential, I would talk about our Ka body much the same as I now talk about the Light Body. They, of course, are connected;  one coming from our 6D self and the other moving us into the frequency of 5D (and beyond.)  The Ka body is our ideal energetic blue print.  It is our unique sacred geometric energy pattern that resides in the 6th dimension, and then replicates, (when we are open to it,) in 3D.  When I'm connected with my Ka, it feels similar to being in my light body:  I have a profound sense of peace and well-being.  My Ka body though seems more connected to feeling totally myself, aligned with my internal power, whereas my Light Body feels as if all my cells are getting massaged by healing light, and there is not much awareness of my more limited 3D body.  I'm most connected to my Light Body when I'm drifting off to sleep or waking up in the morning.  Perhaps my ka needs to be in for me to fully experience this... but I'm thinking one doesn't have to vibrate as quickly as the 6D frequency of the ka body to experience our Light Bodies... they are available to us as soon as we get to 5D frequency.

Hopefully it will not have you yawning when I say, yet again, that this evolutionary process we're in is all about speeding up the vibratory rate of our cells which syncs us with higher dimensional frequency.  As we speed up our cells, we become more light... it's just simple not-yet-fully accepted physics:   Enlightenment occurs as we speed up at the cellular level, which propels us into the higher dimensions.  We are no longer limited to the density that holds us hostage in the solidity of 3D.  We have the ability to be our own super-heros and heroines, and live in a reality without limitation. 

To operate out of our Light Bodies, one cannot skip the 4th dimension.  Those of you who have attended my workshops know that I emphasize techniques for navigating 4D, the most important of which is to recognize all your Shadow areas and learn to love yourself anyway.  Once you are able to do this, you can then integrate your shadow which allows you to hold the polarities of 4D without getting stuck at one pole or the other.   Not only does this help us all stay out of the unhealthy drama on an individual level, but it helps us heal the polarity consciousness that is currently so operative in 3D.

 As I was pondering what I wanted to write about our Light Bodies, I "randomly" (okay synchronistically) pulled up a Suzanne Lie meditation from You Tube on the Arcturian Divine Matrix, which turned out to be all about our Light Body.  It was a reminder to hold the awareness that we are Light.  To connect with our Light consciously so that we may, in turn connect with the Light of everyone.  BUT there was something more.  Since we are in the process of "downloading" these Light Bodies, Suzanne's guides remind us that like a computer that is downloading a new operating system, we often find that we cannot do much else for a while.  

You might find yourself unusually tired.  You might feel a need to retreat from your normal activities and give yourself the space to download this evolutionary energy in a way that will not crash your "computer".  Pay attention to your inner wisdom so that you know what you need during the intensity of the change we are all in.

Another synchronicity about our Light Bodies is that both my oldest daughter and my husband recently reread, The Celestine Prophesy.  James Redfield consistently shows us that we are Light and that we have the ability to just follow the "glow" to stay on our paths.  This book has sold millions of copies over the last 15 or so years.  This is not information provided to just a select few!

So Brother/Sister Earthlings, how is your life going these days as you are being nudged by the Universe to get off this 3D hamster wheel, integrate your shadow, and arrive at the frequency of the 5th dimension? Are you taking good care of yourself?  Have you stayed in the awareness that this is a MAJOR physical as well as emotional and spiritual shift?  Have you pondered what you need to do to keep your Light Body buzzing?

As we approach Halloween when the veils between the worlds naturally thin, practice putting on your Light Body.  It might feel like a costume at first, but before you know it, it will become your true physical being.

No trick here... just a real treat as we open our hearts, step out of the 3D masquarade, and become the beautiful beings we have always been meant to be.

Sending you love and blessings and from my Light Body to Yours.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Synchronistic Time is on My (Our) Side

I've been planning to blog on synchronistic time ever since I had a dinner conversation a few weeks ago with my friend Thea Summer Deer and she kept pointing out all the ways we were living in it.  It wasn't that the concept was new, but rather the phrase.  What I've called higher dimensional time or Divine timing or "heart time" (thank you William Faulkner) really is experienced through synchronicity.  It opens us to a new way of walking through our life on this planet.  It is New Earth time.

And it is always with us.  That to me is where the real magic comes in.  If we alter our perception ever so slightly, we see this "New Earth time" is always there and always has been.  Sometimes we live alignment with it, and other times we don't.  It is our personal timeline, our soul's map for our Earthly journey. Time spins out of 9D, and develops some form of Divine Order in 8D.  We are multidimensional beings, so our souls have set up synchronicities or sign posts for us from our 8th dimensional consciousness to always pop in at just the right moment.

Alignment with synchronistic time brings us joy and well-being, the sense of all being "right with the world".  When we try to "smush" our lives into person-made linear time (clocks, calendars), time that our egos like and think they need, we typically feel stressed and out of sync with ourselves.  We set alarm clocks to wake up instead of being able to flow with our natural rhythms and to trust that we will get up in time for whatever we are called to do that day.  We worry about wasting time, running out of time, bad timing.

I doubt that we are evolving in a way to no longer have use for linear time.  I think it will just lose its CEO position, and instead become a line worker, the way it was meant to be all along.  When we live in the big multidimensional picture, we live in the large symbolic cycles of time and our "clocks" operate on synchronicity.  We don't have to worry about when it's right to start that new job, or write that new book or make that big move.  We just have to ask for the sign posts to light up, and voila, it becomes crystal clear.

In every turning point of my life, I can see the synchronicities that were there for me.  They led me to a specific college, they directed me to what I was Called to do in my life, and to the people who would help me in this endeavor.  They were there for all my significant relationships and all my significant moves.  I feel very blessed because I have been able to honor their gifts.  Somehow my Spirit always stepped in and got me to pay attention and take the risks, no matter how wrong they might have seemed to my linear mind (or my mother), I just kept following the synchronicities.  I believe this is the foremost reason that my life has turned out to be so fulfilling.

Understanding synchronistic time deepens our ability to trust, to know that even when life feels at its darkness, we are part of a greater plan; the plan that our multidimensional soul designed to encourage our greatest growth.  Of course, there is always free will.  We don't have to pay attention, that's a choice.  But should we choose to live in that greater awareness, that greater cycle, to learn our lessons with grace, to understand that challenges are simply a way for us to stretch into operating from a vaster consciousness, we begin to see that blessings abound.

Keep in mind that to open to whatever lessons we're presented is not about passively accepting what life brings us.  That would put us at the mercy of forces outside of ourselves.  It is instead to live proactively with challenges put before us, understanding that our soul starts by tapping us on the shoulder, and if we pay attention to that gentle tap, we can generally avoid getting slammed.  But whether we get slammed or not, all experience happens in collusion with our souls and one way our souls speak to us is through synchronicity urging us to live in synchronistic time. 

So how about you Brother/Sister Earthlings.  What role has synchronistic time played in your life?  Was there a road not taken even though the signs were flashing;  a road that felt too scary?  And if so, how did that impact you?  Think about when you did follow those flashing syncrhonistic lights?  What outcome did that bring?

Are you feeling that your life is currently in flow?  That your soul nature and your human nature are living in alignment?  Or is your ego popping in a lot with its judgments, stresses and goals so that you feel imprisoned in 3D time, and too distracted to notice the well-lit path which will show up with just that slight shift of perception?

Well this blog has taken me way too much time and as I'm running out of time, and feeling in a time crunch and not taking the time, to oops, stop, breathe...    Oh wait, ... it takes as long as it takes and everything is all lined up and I always have as much time as I need, and I will still get on that airplane Tuesday morning.  Ahhhh... that feels better.  Nonetheless, it really is time to sign-off.

Sending you ongoing love and blessings,


If you are looking for more guidance to track the synchronicities in your life you might want to check out this mini-book on Kindle by my former student Jean Ferratier:   
Reading Symbolic Signs:  How to Connect the Dots of Your Spiritual Life.

For those near Bend Oregon, the 1/2 day workshop on Activating our Multidimensional Consciousness on Saturday, October 13th is filling fast!  Email me at healingconcepts@hotmail.com for more information or check out upcoming events on my website at www.empoweringthespirit.com    

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Our Celestial Balancing Act

The Fall Equinox is upon us.  It has caused me to pause and ponder, just what happens at this time when the light and the dark is in perfect balance?  And how does this all connect with our ability to access our multidimensional nature?

The Solstices and Equinox's are portals that are provided to us on Planet Earth through celestial alignments.  It's a gift we are given 4 times a year, a gift which most of us either forget to open, or don't know what to do with when we do.  These are the days that star consciousness becomes more available to us.  All we need to do is be quiet, go to a place of inner stillness, ask for awareness to arise within us, and pay attention. 

The image that comes for me when I go inward, is the seesaw or teeter totter of my youth where I learned in a physical way about balancing opposites.  My childhood friend and I are suddenly both suspended in air.  It is a moment of equanimity, of calm and ease.  No up. No down.  We have momentarily defied the 3D law of gravity.  We enter the space between the inhale and the exhale.  We become perfectly in the Now.

Part of the gift of the Equinox then is a heightened ability to hold all our parts in perfect balance, just for a moment.  We actually enter the center of the fulcrum with Light on the one end and Dark on the other.  We get to experience the perfect balance of light and dark on this fulcrum, and to feel what this balance is within us.  You may want to take a moment and go within.  For me, when I do, I find a profound peace.  No need to push or strive.  It feels like everything is contained in inner stillness;  a stillness which holds both a contented fullness and a fertile spaciousness.  This spaciousness is waiting to be filled with some new variation on the themes of my life.

We have been trained in our society to avoid these moments of stillness.  We are trained to stay busy and believe that whatever we produce from this busyness is what will contribute to our sense of well-being.  We have been conditioned away from receiving the amazing blessings that our natural cycles can bring us.  And it is this training, this conditioning, that we release as we awaken.

The moment of the Fall Equinox allows us to move into readiness for the annual shift into our yin nature.  From now until the momentous Winter Solstice of 2012, the sun's light gradually diminishes and the reflective light from the moon gradually grows.  This is the Quarter to keep going inside ourselves, to search thoroughly through the different regions of our souls.

As we enter the cycle of less "doing" and more "being," we get to spend more time in the Stillness, in the center of our inner fulcrum.  It is from here we can feel our multidimensional nature as it stretches before us and behind us along the time line of our soul, as it extends below us and above us to access the levels of consciousness we can embody from all 9 vertical dimensions:  from 1D in the Earth's iron crystal core to 9D at Galactic Center.  And most importantly, it is from here that we can truly listen to our heart as it opens us to greater awareness so that we can more fully live from the higher dimensional perspective that is our birthright.

And so sister/brother Earthlings, enjoy this special day, celebrate, do ritual, give yourself the space to enter that perfect Stillness and as you journey from the Equinox to the Solstice, remember to take the time to look deep within, to see your areas of imbalance, to notice where you are well-developed and less-developed, and to remember to beam unconditional love to all you discover.  And when you find yourself in the ups and downs of life, do your best to enjoy the ride.

Much love and blessings to you all,

For those near Bend Oregon, the 1/2 day workshop on Activating our Multidimensional Consciousness on Saturday, October 13th is filling fast!  See flyer below and email me at healingconcepts@hotmail.com for more information or check out upcoming events on my website at www.empoweringthespirit.com    

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