Thursday, February 3, 2011

Faster than the Speed of Light

Happy New Moon in Aquarius to you all (or y'all as I'm learning to say down here in the NC mountains).  The energy of Aquarius is inventive, cutting-edge and thus filled with concepts and ideas that can shake up your old world.  So here's an idea for today.  Even though Einstein measured the speed of light as travelling at 186,000 miles per second, scientists are now hypothesizing that there are actually 3 speeds of light, depending on which dimension you are in.

When I was a young woman I read the Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yoganada.  Yogananda explained the law of miracles by saying that once you could vibrate anything as fast or faster than the speed of light as defined by Einstein, it was no longer subject to the laws of the material world.  Fully realized beings can dematerialize and re-materialize anywhere on the planet by vibrating their cells at or faster than our 3D speed of light, and they are able to do the same thing with objects. 

"Masters [who] are able to materialize and dematerialize their bodies and other objects, ... move with the velocity of light, and utilize the creative light rays in bringing into instant visibility any physcial manifestation..." (Autobiography of a Yogi, p. 315) 

Yogananda equated being a awakened being with having complete awareness that we are literally made of light.  He saw that when we fully understood what that meant, not intellectually but through inner vision and experience, we were no longer subject to the physical laws of 3D.  Now according to Hand Clow, scientists are finding evidence that there at least 3 different speeds that light travels and its speed appears to depend on which dimensions you are operating in.   So when these enlightened beings shifted material reality, they were now connecting with light from higher dimensions.  Perhaps even speeding their frequency up to the frequency of 8D connecting directly with Divine Mind.

Hand Clow suggests that the dimensions and corresponding light speed work as follows:  1D-3D move at the slowest speed of light;  (186,000 miles per second), 4D-6D at a faster speed of light and 7D-9D with the fastest speed (that we know about so far.)  We thus can perceive 1D-3D easily -- that's  because our physical vision is based on the 3D speed of light.  To perceive higher dimensions our consciousness needs to expand, so that we are able to "see" or perceive beyond the capacity of our physical 3D eyes. 

Hmmmm.  That means that when you can raise your vibrational frequency to vibrate at or faster than the slowest speed of light, you become invisible to the human eye.  And from there, tele-transporting would be a breeze.  That brings in a new dimension (so to speak) to the concept of travel.

While no one seems to have unlocked the mystery of what might happen on Winter Solstice of 2012, consider that the biblical idea of the rapture might simply be a bunch of us (and I'd like this holiday party to include as many humans as possible), vibrating really really fast, say as fast as light in 8D. 

Now that would really be Divine.


  1. I am going to need a little help with this as I am challenged just trying to raise my metabolism! Very stimulating well done.

  2. Hey, Judith, why wait? Let's party! I know this is true. Had a dream once, my all time most powerful dream. I dematerialized and moved as energy to a reincarnation temple where the akasha reccrds are kept as scrolls in walls of cubby holes. I wanted to see the secret of my births.

    This memory brings me to ponder how we regularly dematerialize in dreams. Where do dreams fit in the dimensions? Perhaps different kinds of dreams fit in different dimensions? Lovely, blog. Provoking and stimulating. Thanks for the pulling down my Ka tip. Love you!

  3. Hi Virginia and Janice,

    Thank you for your comments!

    Virginia... with your usual irreverent and wonderful humor, you make a very interesting point! But hey, remember our metabolism is in 3D... it's denser than our energy field, which works multi-dimensionally -- I'm thinking/feeling that the more we align with the energy field, and the more we embody our ka, the easier to speed up our cells... Could be the newest weight-loss craze.

    Janice... I'm thinking too that different dreams fit in different dimensions. I've been observing how dreams themselves dematerialize when we wake up.

    Thank you for sharing that amazing and powerful dream. According to Hand Clow, the Akashic records are in 4D... but I feel they must have an 8D correspondance as well. Nothing to back that up yet, though. Love you too!

  4. I am having the inclination that our Physics Laws are wrongly and deliberatedly taught in schools so we are kept for ever IDIOTS!
    I find by logic that if our mass increases n times to the square of velocity (=acceleration) when exposed to gravitation or attraction forces by bigger objects rendering us with a weight amount then it´s said the same thing at traveling at higher speeds, which contradicts the principles of thermodynamics and the desintegration of the body at such high speeds. In conclusion at higher speeds our bodies DO NOT become 'massive' as we are told but 'energetic', we lose mass as it´s transformed into waves of light, and the opposite happens when we deaccelerate-cooling off, the energy waves are condensed till the point the energy materializes into particles with mass.
    Now perhaps we can progress and travel Faster than Light given we have the technology and our mathematical equations right.
    -Do not expect the Quantum theory Charlatants to tell you about. After all, they work for the same cartels of desinformation that rule upon our academies and educational institutions.
