Monday, December 6, 2010

New Thoughts for a New Moon

It was the new moon yesterday, and it was time for me to do a new moon ritual up at the elemental temples in the community I live in.  As I was walking up the road on this cold but beautiful afternoon, I was pondering the connection between the moon cycles and other dimensional realities. 

The new moon is when the two lights of Earth come together in the same sign and at the same degree in the zodiac:  the Moon sits in the lap of the Sun to get charged for the next 28 day cycle.  While the Sun in his grandeur, infuses the moon with consciousness, we humans will have the next 28 days to draw on this consciousness that the moon reflects back to us.  What does this mean for our multi-dimensional potential? 

From what I'm learning, tuning in to these natural cycles do two things for us:  First, they help us be fully present in 3-D which is essential if we are going to effectively integrate the gifts of the other dimensions -- otherwise we are likely to be off-balance and our development will be lopsided which will not get us to our full potential.  And second, there is a resonance, a literal electro-magnetic frequency that occurs when celestial bodies come into geometric connection with each other ... the frequency during the new moon, when the sun and moon are in the same place is very different than at the full moon, when they are exactly opposite to each other. -- As we open and allow ourselves to be more conscious to the way these cycles inform us, we activate more of our evolutionary potential.

For those following my health -- I'm so much better.

For those of you following this blog, I'd love to here from you.


  1. Besides ritual and awareness, how can we specifically tune into these cycles in the natural world that effect how we interact with our surroundings?
    enjoying the blog so far :)

  2. It's going to be different for everyone, but I think the key here is slowing down. Create space in your life to pay attention to your own rhythms and the beautiful natural rhythms of our planet.
